1st grow going too well?!


Well-Known Member
So my first full, solo grow is going too well, its hardly a learning experience! While I've had to extreme fortune of taking a makeshift "oaksterdam" course from some of the most heady guys in the state, our land lord broke our lease and had us move out early. So the project was scrapped.

So here we are a year later, I got some rare seeds out of a batch of flo. So I stocked up with the gear I needed and decided to do it on my own! I germinated the 8 seeds in june and went right to work. 400w MH. Vegged in sunshine #4 soil less mix, used earth juice grow and now bloom and catalyst. Only 6 of the 8 were useable. All 6 turned into females! I haven't even been checking my ph, but since its all organic and my mix has dolomite lime its been fine, no ph problems. Everything is going amazin. I thought I might have some space issues but just lollipoped and its fine now. Summer has been non existent up in the north west so no heating/humidity problems.

Problem is I thought I would have had more problem to learn from. I know that flo is and easy strain, and not having ANY problems is a good problem. I know the guys who tought me must have done a good job! Well I hope its a good sign of things to come with future grows. I would love to hear similar stories from anyone with some good first grow under there belt.

P.s. I don't know how to load pics from my phone on to a post. If that can be done I would love to know how. Thaks all!