1st grow running into some problems


This my first attempt. We have 10 plants all between 45-60 days old. They were under bad lighting until 2 weeks ago so they are a little stretched. Now with much more lighting in both 2700k and 5000k they seem to be filling out and growing more quickly.

My problem is all of a sudden a bunch of them are droopy. I bought a moisture meter and they are slightly moist but drying out. Last watering (with 1/2 feeding) was 4 days ago. Anyone got any thoughts as to what's going on?

Also in Pic 3, can anyone tell me what those spots are? I've got them on 2 plants.

One last question: How do I know when to move them into flowering or is that just up to how big I want them to get beforehand?

Thanks a ton.



Well-Known Member
yes, you can flower whenever you like. plant will get 1 1/2- 2 times the size it was in vegitative cycle. dont over water the plant. if soil is dry 2" down by pushing in with your finger, then water. if it's still just a bit moist, let her go and check the next day. make sure you have drainage holes in your container. water until water begins to drip, not pour out of bottom. use a cup to water with. pour some in, give it 20 sec or so to absorb, then a little more, all while checking bottom of container for runoff. are you misting your plants? if you are, stop. that could be your brown spot issue. dont mist them at all. keep your lights closer to avoid stretch. what soil/lights are you using?


Not misting. Watering in a bathtub so runoff is hard to gauge but I'll get that figured out - like the cup idea. Soil is Scott's Moisture Control, lights are 42W CFLs plus tube fluorescents.



Well-Known Member
i wouid water more often than every 4 days.
flower when they are half as big as you want them.
they will double in height.


Well-Known Member
plants look pale also, ph may below. ph up a little more or add dolimite. plant will not up take nitrogen as well when ph is low--jc


really?? The big guys are in 2.5 gallon pots. I do have a few smaller ones in 1 gall pots and a couple of straggler in solo cups but I'm not really worried about them.


Well-Known Member
2 gal pot is more than enough... just flower them at like 15"or smaller. you gotta get your water ph balanced and work on not overwatering....that's killin you right now.


Well-Known Member
n start movin them up to full strength nutes... they're ready. next batch do 3/4 strength, then full from there on out....


Thanks to all. I did a soil test and was surprised: PH is normalish: 7-7.5; N= low, Phosphorous = low to medium; Potash = normal. I do know that the water here tends to be in the 8 range PH wise according to the annual city report on h2o quality.

So now I'm completely confused. I've seen a little yellowing on the edge of a few leaves in the past, assumed that was over feeding and cut back. It cleared up but now the test is saying I needed to do the complete opposite. The food I'm using is 10-15-10. Given that we're close to 2' I want to get them healthy and then go straight to flowering.

Any additional thoughts are much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
ph of 7-7.5 is too high. you gotta be like 6.2-6.8. buy some ph down at the pet store, and you'll be good. slowly ween your plant off most of her vegitative nutes and start mixin in small quantities of your flower nutes.... good luck


u could have spider mites...i'm getting many of the same symptoms. Look closely with a magnifying glass.