** 1st harvest - Seattle Sinse **


Well-Known Member
Here we go. She is 9 weeks flowering today. Trichs were about 20% amber. I already know what she is capable of (having sampled some last week) and didn't want a real heavy couch lock.

A lot of 1st time grower mistakes were made along the way...nute burn, pH issues, fucking Thrips etc. To be honest I'm surprised she made it through to harvest. The seed was from a lady friend in Seattle when I vacationed there back in April. She didn't know the strain but the bag it came from was some knockout weed.

Not knowing what strain it is, I have dubbed her Seattle Sinse.

Here are some before the chop and manicuring pics. My hands started cramping during the manicure and I postponed completing the chop til tomorrow. Not a huge yield but for 1 plant, I'm happy.



Well-Known Member
That looks great. Those bagseeds contain some nice gems sometimes. I believe in keeping them good seeds. I bet that is gonna smoke awesome


Well-Known Member
Late update...
Total weight dried and curing was 85.3g or just a tad over 3 ozs.
Here's some shots while I was playing with the macro setting on my camera.



Well-Known Member
looks pretty damn good to me,
Not a huge yield but for 1 plant
that one bud is about how much i got off my plant so you already did better than me hopefully that makes ya feel better about the yield :) how is the smoke?


Well-Known Member
Wow!! Those look nice, I hope your lady friend will get a nice little sample. I do hate when I don't know what strain I'm smoking though.

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
For some reason I think of white berry when I look at it. Who knows, interesting strain though. Looks real good man. Enjoy her.


Active Member
i kinda agree with that white berry statement becuase it has the flower growth of blueberry but is really white.
so makes sense (or ...sensi) to me.