1st time germinating in rockwool


Active Member
i dont have a humidity dome, so my plan was to put the seeds into the moist rockwool, put each cube into a plastic cup, then cover the cups with plastic wrap. will that get them to sprout? is so, how often to i re-moisten them? also how long after they sprout until i move them to my dwc? i also have an aerogarden (they will grow in a different dwc i made) but no sponge things....is there a way to use rockwool in the aerogarden to sprout them and then move to the dwc??


Well-Known Member
I dont know much on the DWC or Aerogarden but the way u are germing ur seeds in RW will work just fine, just make sure to keep ur cubes damp and not wet cause once the sprout they need oxygen. If the cubes are too wett they will die or strech really quick. I believe once they have allot of roots cumming out of the bottom of the cube they can go into ur system. Start ur nutes at a low PPM/EC and keep the ph around 5.8

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
i would keep them under 24/0 CFLs until they are big enough to go into your system... just dont put the lights too close... 6-12" would be fine.


Well-Known Member
Im with BS420, keep ur light atleast 6" away from ur babies till they have a few set of leaves to take in allot of light.

I always cover my seeds with a cup/bowl while on a heat mat untill they sprout, this keep the moister/heat in un till the pop out of the cube. They really dont need light untill they cum out of the ground but it doesnt hurt to put them under the light. Just make sure they stay moist not wet.

I also use a scale and weigh my cubes when watering cuz RW is a bitch when it cum to watering.IMO Over watering is one of the most common way of killing them and if u let the RW dry out too much it a pain to rewet too. This is why i wood use a scale to keep it right in the proper damp zone. A dry cube weighs 5g and a damp cube weights 20-25g.

Hope this helps

- Styl!st