1st time growing indoors, suggestions on setup?


Active Member
My first attempt at sprouting some seeds was a failure. I totally underestimated how much heat would come off of those CFLs, and they burned. So I sprouted 2 more which are shown below. It stinks though cause I am a week behind now, and my seedlings are going at different rates, one is a little behind the other. I hope everything works out alright though. How about your grow? I hope better than mine!



Well-Known Member
No worries man youl get it right, just like everything else its gonna take practice, but youl gain experience and your next try will be even better. Trust me my first ones arent that great but every batch i planted is getting a litttle better! :hump:stick with it and good luck man, i wanna see some fatty buds!:joint:


Active Member
Thanks for looking and checking in on the status! I started a journal were I summarized the things that have happened so far and put the pictures that went with them up. So you can check out the journal here https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/165197-first-indoor-dwc-hydro-grow.html

I hope this will let LANDOFZION see the pictures, if it doesn't, let me know so I can try to figure something out.

I am trying to keep a optimistic outlook, knowing that the more I screw up now, the less I will in the future. Thanks for lookin'! Any suggestions are very much appreciated.


Elite Rolling Society
This was posted by
Wikidbchofthewst and I saved it.
Credit goes to Wikidbchofthewst

I'm making this post after reading a "how do I start a new thread?" question for the millionth time. I kinda meant it as a joke, but who knows, maybe it'll help someone.

Ok, so, starting at the RIU homepage....

Pick the forum that your thread should go in. We're picking Newbie Central.

Click the New Thread button at the top left.

Screw it, while I'm at it I'll cover how to post pics, lol. Either click the Manage Attachments button, or if you have the photos on the web like photobucket, just post the link between the "
" tags in your post. These pics will show up IN the post, like the example pics I'm using.

When you click the Manage Attachments button, a new window like this should come up. You can either upload the pics from your computer, or you can upload them from a URL. These pics will appear as thumbnails at the buttom of your post that people can click on to enlarge.

Once you're done you can Preview Post to make sure it looks right. Then Submit New Thread and let's smoke!

This was posted by
Wikidbchofthewst and I saved it.
Credit goes to Wikidbchofthewst


Active Member
Okay I think I figured out the image thing. I was using the "insert image" button instead of attaching the photos, but I prefer attaching. This way people can click on the images they want bigger, and HOPEFULLY they'll actually show up. Thanks Roseman for the post, I following it. I am not going to repost the pictures that are having problems, but from now on they should all work.

Thanks for all the information, I wouldn't know how the hell to grow if it wasn't for RIU

chronic curt

Active Member
i couldnt get any good lights and a freind of mine recommended halogen lights so i got two as soon as i set them up i realised it was way to hot so i took down one and even that was to warm and killed all three of my first sprouts i was gutted so i have cheap florecents at the moment untill my new seedlings get a little bigger and i get a bit of money


Active Member
if u pitch the foil and put up a sheet of mylar or some plywood painted white u would get better light reflection. foil absorbs heat and is a poor reflector so to max ur light output anything white is best..... looks good though


Active Member
if u pitch the foil and put up a sheet of mylar or some plywood painted white u would get better light reflection. foil absorbs heat and is a poor reflector so to max ur light output anything white is best..... looks good though
Interesting... I'll have to look into that. That is the only area that I am concerned about, is heat, so I am willing to do anything to help!