1st Time Indoor Organic Greenhouse "The Church" Fem

Tent: 4'x4'x7'
Lighting: 600watt MH/HPS Dimmable Ballast + Hydrofarm Radiant Reflector
-Germination: 2x48" T12 40w Grow Bulbs
Ventilation: 440CFM Centrifugal Fan 6" + 6" Carbon Filter
Potting: 5gal buckets x 10; I drilled 6 holes in bottom for drainage
Soil: 1/2 Seed starting (aka no long-term nutrients) + 1/2 Amazon Grow all organic
-I put a 1" layer of rocks I sterilized in the bottom of the bucket to help w/ drain
Nutrients: General Organics Starter Kit (has 1 bottle of each product they offer)
The Rest: Timers, chains, ducting, yadadada....

Hoping this will fool the maintenance men, I think it'll work (I think they smoke anyway, but just in-case)

Outside, I have seeds germinating inside.

Inside (I finished ducting in the rear, and I have an oscillating fan now)
Day 1: Flora Plugs, 600ml H2O w/ seed starter soil to cover the hole. Added 1/8 tsp Bio Root.
Day 2: Removed excess water. Tested P.H. of water from filters I have: Brita = 6.9 Dupont = 6.75
Day 3: 1 really good looking sprout, 1 o.k. sprout w/ seed still covering leaves, 1 just below soil level. Turned up heat mat slightly to 81° and adjusted probe, pushed into lower middle of middle plug. The plugs felt cold to the touch even though the probe was warm so I want to warm them up a bit.
Day 4: 2 sprouts have 2nd set of leaves, 3rd sprout looks a little sad, 4th popped up looks pretty good. Moved the two with second leaves out of germination station so I could put the lid back on, hopefully the humidity will save the rest. Lowered flourescent light a bit, and turned on MH at 50%. Adjusted my apt a/c to compensate for the extra heat.
Day 5: Temps are really high, I ordered an intake fan.
Day 6: Installed fan, I have the intake at a window. It's been cooler outside these past days and has really helped the temps. All 4 plants have their third true leafs growing. I started germinating another strain KC Big Bug from Greenhouse. Used the paper towel method this time. I was really weary of damaging the root, but the one viable seed has started it's first leaf set and I've transplanted into a small pot. The first four I didn't do this so let's see how it goes.
Day 7: Started germinating 2 seeds from DNA Genetics "Rocklock" in paper towel method. If these work out as well as the others I'll use this method much more often. Like I said I was worried about damaging the root, but if these work out I'll feel better about it. I have a 6.75 gal bucket w/ a tap installed (from a beer brewing site). This will be my mixing cauldron, like a wizard. I installed a 6" 1 to 2 out and a 4" adapter. I'll have the one 4" going up to the reflector intake. The other 6" out will be good for air flow. I need another fan. Also I was using chains because I thought it'd be a cheap alternative, but I got as a free item the rope/ratchet style from hydrofarm and ITS AWESOME. Way better, so get it.
Day 8: So a sad story, I've lightly burned 2 of the babies. I was following the hand rule, but I think my hand isn't a good rule. I'm somewhere around 24 and I've been in the sun since I was little. I'm better equipped to handle heat, so I moved the light very far away (about 2'). I've also done some calculations and at 2' the plants are still getting around 1,000 lumens and since they're so small that should be ok. I bought another centrifugal fan that'll be dedicated to exhaust of the lamp. It's an 8" rated at 754CFM, the 6" is rated at 440CFM, and I have 260CFM coming in. Just exhaust wise I should be able to circulate the air in the grow room 10x per minute, hopefully this will cure my heat problems. I bought a circulating fan and a light meter (to help with lamp height). Hopefully this should get me back on track.

kush groove

Active Member
nice setup bro....im using the exact same tent also....i dont know if it would help or if it is an option for you but i ran my cords through the exhaust up top so the cords wouldnt be in the way