1st time white widow grower


Active Member
sorry it took so long but here are the new pics, erthang lookin great. Except
my white widow monster baby who looks like she might be bout to die. Her leafs look light green almost yellow with light brown spots, i took off the round label that covers the grow pot for the AG and was able to untangle the steam that was wrapped inn there but now is fallin to the side... i hope that she'll some bak to life now that i did that?
well u guys leave commenst or somethang n tell me what u think...:???:

the 1st is of my 2 good plants in the AG the far one being my WW baby n the fropnt one the bag seed. the second is of the one that i mention looked like she was diein. and the other 2 are just of my 2 girls in soil that are almost ready for flower...



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so last nite before i went to bed i took out the dieing WW baby because her leafs where mostly brown she was juss layin flat on top of the AG and i didnt think she was gonna make it and didnt wanna let my other 2 plants in the AG suffer from it or have any problems cuz of her. But i also noticed that the 2 plants i have in my AG now, the tips of the bigger the leafs seem to be dryin out. im thinkin this me be cause do to dry air since i been leavin the closet door open to bring down the temp more there for bringin inn the dry air. Sound like it makes sense? ima try leavin the door closed like i used to for longer and put a big jug of water by the plants so the light will evaporate it there for causin humidity. any body got any other ideas or reasons why this may be happenin?


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i havent gotten any response on my last post and my AG babys are startin to look worst. I put a humidifier on them last ntie and got the humidity to abut 50% but i dont think that was the poblem because it was already around 40%. i read on here that the plants could be eatin themselfs from under nute? is not really that they are turnin brown but more like they dryin out startin from the tip of the leafs but the new growth is nice and green like if it was eatin the bottom leafs to push out the new growth, does thsi make sense at all? please someone...


Active Member
i been tryin to spray them with water once in the morning and once or maybe twice at night. my ph strait out the tap is above 7 and i adjust the ph to about 5.5-6.5, i dont have an ph meter so i juss add a few drops in my little water test tube and compare it to the color chart.


Active Member
i havent gotten any response on my last post and my AG babys are startin to look worst. I put a humidifier on them last ntie and got the humidity to abut 50% but i dont think that was the poblem because it was already around 40%. i read on here that the plants could be eatin themselfs from under nute? is not really that they are turnin brown but more like they dryin out startin from the tip of the leafs but the new growth is nice and green like if it was eatin the bottom leafs to push out the new growth, does thsi make sense at all? please someone...
I don't think your humidity is an issue...40% should be just fine. Maybe you are experiencing root rot? If the roots are rotted and are unable to drink water properly, the leaves will look like what you described. I can't really tell by your pictures (out of focus and small).
What are the temp ranges in your grow room?

Oh - and plants that are as small as the ones in the first two pics should not need nutes yet.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
try not to spray them while the lights are on if you cna help it, the water beads up on the leaves and works like a magnifying glass burning the leaf


Active Member
water burning the leafs... good point never thought of that even tho i know my problem is more serious than that n i spray my older soil plants more often than that and they are pretty healthy. my roots are all white n clean lookin n from what ive read root rot will turn ur roots brown and stink after a wile so i dont think i have root rot, i wish i had a better cam to give u guys better pictures...


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oh and by the way the plants barely gotten any nutes except a quorter of small nute tab each week. i dunno if this could be it but wen i get home today im gonna flush it and refill with some ph treated tap water i had sittin out for a few days. also the plants are a bit bigger now, workin on their 4th set of leafs i think. u think is still to early for nutes? i have fox farm grow big for veg and i thought maybe starting them on a low dose of that to see if its under nute. but if u still think is to early for nutes let me know guys, im tryin to lern this whole process and get to know my plants...


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So after i changed the water in the AG for fresh water and let my plants sit in there for a couple days they stop burnin up and after a few days i noticed they where not growin so i added a half a tea spoon of fox farm grow big friday. Today after the weekend and after their first 12h night they are lookin great, ww is about 10in tall and i had to put them to flower cuz my other 2 big plants where goin into flower and i dotn have another room. but i think it works out good cuz i know im supposed to flower soon inn the AG. So lets see what happens after this week!! :bigjoint:


Active Member
Girls are doin good
i changed my water saturday and put a half tee spoon of grow big and a tee spoon of big bloom and they seem to be likin it. their startin to show hairs in all the right places lol.
I also started 1 the church, 1 afghan kush, and 1 roadrunner last thursday from the seeds that came inn last week and saturday both the roadrunner and afghan kk had woken up but as of today the church is still sleepin.


Active Member
It was a hekted week this passed week.
My gurls kept having a problem where the leafs where turning light light green and some leafs where gettin gray spots so i decided to buy a ph meter and soem cal-mag witch im glad i did. Before i was using the drops with the color comparision chart witch i found out the hard way is not very acurate at all and my ph was stayin below 5 so now that i have the ph meter i been able to adjust the ph and make sute it stays between 5.8 - 6.5, what i belived to be nute burn was actually nute lock out so now that my ph was corrected i been using 2 tsps of fox farm big bloom and 1 tsp of cal-mag per gallon of water and my gurls really sem to liking it! the hairs are starting to mutiply and the top buds starting to form. in a few weeks i should have some good porn for u guys. I also just "got my g/f a camara" lol so ill be using that to take some pics tonite wen my hps goes off. :weed:


Active Member
dude i have one and max i got was a half dried sijnce i been using pots nd organic benn pullin ounces since ... good luck tho


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kvier i supose ur sayin u have an AG and u only pulled a half o out of it? Well i knew i wasent gonna get a q/p off this grow wen i started it but i also seen some pretty decent results. I only have two girls inn there and right now their about a foot and a half tall i think that they'll prolly get to two ft before their done since they still may stretch a bit and honestly if i can get an oz and a hlf of this grow ill be content since its pretty much my first grow except the dudes i cut down like 3 weeks ago wen i noticed their balls lol. I also have a power grower eco (the one bucket one) and i may transfer one of the gurls into that so that way they each have their own reservoir but im not sure about that yet since ive never used it and i would have to get the watering times right on it before i put a flowering plant inn it. The guy at my hydro store told me to have the pump runnin 24/7 but i think that would over water the plant so like i said id have to play wit it and figure out how often to run the water on it.


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Another week has passes and the gurls are doin great! the buds are startin to fill up and the leaves are startin to get that white widow crystaly look i seen. My white widow gurl is now 4ft tall and i hope she is done streatchin. The lateral buds seem to be maturing faster but the to highest cola seems like she still my stretch another couple inches because the bud on it looks like it still has leaves growing out of it. The bag seed ( single cola dominant) female is about 2ft and is also fillin up.

New project: The road runner is startin to take off and even tho she is only about 6in tall and under 24h light she is startin to show sings of flowering and is gettin heairs all over it and will be goin on 12/12 under the hps next week hopefully. The afghan kush is doin very well also and is prolly 10in tall, she also will be goin 12/12 with the roadroaner wen the time is right.:blsmoke:


Active Member
FRANK I am also growing WW for the first time IM really nervous though because I am a scrub and planted them into rockwool cubes without soaking them with nutes I DIDNT KNOW LOL. But It has been 11 days and I have 13 of them at about 2 inches. So you keep me informed on yours or I will be checking on it and you can check mine out I will have pics soon. GOOD LUCK



Active Member
cheap dont feel bad about anything u do if this ur first tme growing. Just remember its still a weed, and wen in doubts always imitate nature. I dont think you have done anythang wrong by startin them in rockwool cubes, what type of system are you goin to use? you shouldnt use any nutes until they are at least 2 weeks old so ur good for now. This is my first time growin pretty much 2 but ive learned a lot from this and other similar sites. What ive found to be a key point is to keep ur ph stable from the beginnin 5.5 to 6.5 if you dont have a way of testin it, ive found that bottled spring water has a ph out the bottle of 6.0 so u can always use that but wen u use nutes it will fluctuate the ph according to the strenght of the solution.
But any ways, thats anough of a leason for today specially comin from a newbie lol. Here is the pictures!!!



Active Member
Good day Frank! How long did it take your girl to show you she was a girl? I am a week into 12/12 with only one "for sure" and four "no ideas"... the suspense is killing me!