2 1000 watt HPS too hott for space?


Well-Known Member
Hey how are you? Im new to this forum and I have posted 2 threads already with no replys.... I hope this one has better luck. Anyway I have a question.. Right now I have a tent that is 4x6x6 I built it outa pvc and 3 mil black construction plastic. I have 14 kush plants 2 white widow and 2 skunk #1 plants going. They are anywhere from 9 to 18 inches. They have been vegging now for about 5 weeks. I have a 1000 watt mh lamp in a air cooled reflector, running with a switchable mh/hps ballasst. I am getting ready to put them into flowering, in 2 days as soon as I transfer them into 5 gal grow bags. I will be switching the mh lamp to a hps. I have 3 room fans going inside the tent and it seems to be about 65 degrees in there. My question is If I get another 1000 watt hps will it be too much for that space? I am planning on getting a squirrl cage fan to cool the lights off as well. How much bud do you think I will yield with 2000 watts of light going? Here are some pics of the tent with the plants. LEt me know please. also any advice on how I can make this tent better. Please dont be shy!! Im trying to attatch pictures but its saying my submission cannot be precessed. anyone kno why? They are.jpg they should work. any suggestions?
-not sure why your pics arent showing
-yield is dependent upon ALOT of factors...you cant just tell us your equipment and for us to guess a number, alot of things matter when it comes to yield estimations
-i dont like the hamster fans (my nickname for squirrel cage fans)....i would stick with inline fans. I happen to like Sunleaves Windtunnels, S & P TD series inline fans, and Elicent brandname fans as all these fans have plastic polymer casing and are the quietest out of all fans without sacrificing air flow

a 400cfm fan should be able to keep your 2- 1000watters in check


Well-Known Member
My grow room some times reaches 90 under 600w hps and 400w mh, and I am seeing huge growth in my plants 7 weeks old. So they must acclimate to their enviroment.


Well-Known Member
My grow room some times reaches 90 under 600w hps and 400w mh, and I am seeing huge growth in my plants 7 weeks old. So they must acclimate to their enviroment.
yep. marijuana is a very hardy plant

it can pretty much acclimate to anything.

actually anything can acclimate to whatever conditions you put on it....as long as it isnt too fast of a change and gradually switched over

(i.e. having venus fly traps or sundews in the grow room....now our plant normally likes LOW humidity while on the other hand venus fly traps and sundews kinda like ALOT of humidity.... but they can be acclimated to anything just about)


Well-Known Member
What the hell? I thought this is supposed to be about me!!! lol I posted and I need help with this....lol please get back on the topic of 2000 watts and my grow tent and what I can do to improve it!?
My apologies, I just get a kick out of people who have miracle plants and are exception to the facts.


Well-Known Member
dude with the one reputation bar is still talking.

what makes a fact a fact? please tell me im very interested....

damn bookworm growers. keep on reading, you might yield something LMAO


Active Member
Heated lol :eyesmoke: nice pun.
I have a first grow going and my plants have all grown in well over 80 degrees infact the only time there not over 80 is when the kight is off the are fine untill my dumb ass tried to put some frome dirt to hydro will never do that again the got the root rot and died on me.Did good till the roots turned brown I'll stick with dirt till I know what I'm doing also I think old book boy should take his left hand place it on his left ear then take your right place it on your right ear pull REAl hard and mabey you will get your head up outta that ass of yours clean the cotten outta your ears and listen for awhile Im new to the game and if my plants died at 90 they would have never made it to flower.Even I have a leg to stand on books are reffrence material thats all.Shit wheres your grow tiny Tim or are you some lonley kid fronting like you know a thing or two.



Well-Known Member
People who study Botany for years on end, then visit many indoor outdoor gardens around the world and all have the same basics (I.E. temp) working for them well that says something for there book they write, Or how about the study they do in the labs (botnist) and discover the way a plant reacts to certain temps and such. MMM well I belive the proof is in the pudding and sure your lil ones are alive at above 80 temps, but I know for a fact that they would do better if you had your temps right.
You see lil feller the more you get correct in your garden the better the Garden/Yeild.
Hope that set you straight. Happy grows.


Well-Known Member
I have a first grow going and my plants have all grown in well over 80 degrees infact the only time there not over 80 is when the kight is off the are fine untill my dumb ass tried to put some frome dirt to hydro will never do that again the got the root rot and died on me.Did good till the roots turned brown I'll stick with dirt till I know what I'm doing also I think old book boy should take his left hand place it on his left ear then take your right place it on your right ear pull REAl hard and mabey you will get your head up outta that ass of yours clean the cotten outta your ears and listen for awhile Im new to the game and if my plants died at 90 they would have never made it to flower.Even I have a leg to stand on books are reffrence material thats all.Shit wheres your grow tiny Tim or are you some lonley kid fronting like you know a thing or two.
Take it easy cowboy. Keep your garden at 90 and cry me a river when they shut down.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
People who study Botany for years on end, then visit many indoor outdoor gardens around the world and all have the same basics (I.E. temp) working for them well that says something for there book they write, Or how about the study they do in the labs (botnist) and discover the way a plant reacts to certain temps and such. MMM well I belive the proof is in the pudding and sure your lil ones are alive at above 80 temps, but I know for a fact that they would do better if you had your temps right.
You see lil feller the more you get correct in your garden the better the Garden/Yeild.
Hope that set you straight. Happy grows.
i get 2.5-3lb's per 1000 watt light

dont think it could be much better than that.

so stop talking that dumb book shit....

wheres ya grow? put up or shut up.

even logic faults you and other 'facts' you claim that are facts

temps are temps REGARDLESS doesnt matter if its indoors or out.

if plants died @ 90F, stop growing at 85F and slow growing at 80F....think about it jackass, there would be NO OUTSIDE grows. Temps are temps, regardless. You cannot fault Logic. If you try, you are only fooling yourself

you speak highly about botany, yet you have no fucking clue as to what i know, nor do. for all you know i could be a Botantist ya retard.

furthermore, there are NO certified studies on marijuana....guess why? there is a federal ban on all and any MJ studies, field test....so whatever bullshit you pull out your asshole or from your book is just taken with a grain of salt and merely another person's opinion at best. Hell it could even be hippy myths. So i ask you how does it feel to be somebody's bitch, GoldenGanja13? you are holding that hand mighty tight arent ya.

stop living and talking that bullshit through your book and get out in the real world


Well-Known Member
3rd week of flowering in pics. THEY MUST BE MIRACLES! bongsmilie

dont worry macro.... thas like what? 4-5 OTHER people who said this AND SHOWED pics.

yet this dude hasnt shown ONE pic.

i guess he is just mad cuz he CANT grow miracle plants like us.

its no wonder GoldenGanja13 has no rep


Active Member
GoldenGanja13, your idiocy makes my head hurt.

Anyone with c02 supplementation will commonly run in the 90's temp wise and pull nugs bigger then your head. My indoor is at high 80's with the lights on and pulling nearly 1g per watt, please tell me i have growth problems because of temp... Infact i've grown out strains that have preformed better in higher temps then in the lower 70's i was seeing during winter. Stamping a number on anything and calling it a fact when there is so so many different factors that are also in play is a very dumb thing to do, Different strains like different temps for ideal growth, Cannabis is as mentioned before a very hardy plant and most stable strains aren't picky when it comes to things like temps.

Protective mode at 85f? Where do you kids come up with some of the shit i read on here?


Well-Known Member
Protective mode at 85f? Where do you kids come up with some of the shit i read on here?[/quote said:
Jorge Cervantes indoor outdoor medical garden and my personal experience where I see first hand that gardens grow better:weed: under optimal tempetures. So you all have a garden, get your temps under control:fire: and then put up something worth looking at, if you still feel the need to put up pictures.:shock:


Goldenganja13, you are wrong. This guys grow reaches temps over 100 and they are some of the healthiest indoor plants I've seen. -> here

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
Heated lol :eyesmoke: nice pun.
Well. i'm running a room with 2600w and 7gallon pots in a 10x8 space. sometimes it gets to 90 degrees in there. i've had heat problems the whole time. 2 intake and 2osilating fans keeps it at bay but barely. it also depends on the temperature outside.. it was cold when we started now its warming up starting to mess with the heat in the room. singed a couple nodes on the bubbas.