2-3 weeks left for my outdoor Sativa's...have to chop


Well-Known Member
weather is turning cold and it's rained a bunch, will continue to rain off and on for the next 2 weeks in the pacific northwest (north of the border)

last weeks statistics

Max Temp: 18.3 °C (high 60's)
Max Temp.Date: Oct.13 2010
Min temp: 3.5 °C (high 30's)

Min Temp. Date: Oct.11 2010
Precip Accumulation: 69.1 mm

This week it's going to be low 30's and mid 50's for a high. I'm pretty sure these plants are not going to mature at these temps and the risk of rot is huge, 90 plus percent humidity at night, 70 percent during the day...

So what do you all think the quality might be like? strain is Arjan's Haze #1. I could care less if the THC is half of what it could be. Maybe I'll use it all to make hash??? should be around 3-5lbs