2 days and still dying


Well-Known Member
one of my new plants have just been replanted into a plastic party cup with a hole at the bottom and dirt in it ( i plan to switch it to hydro ). its been 2 days and its been dying for the past 2 days, within a few hours of the replant it drooped and now its starting to wither.

is there any way to resurrect this plant before its too late??

ive had some of my plants go into shock and seemingly almost die before, but they popped back up and this one is being really dramatic about it. thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
You probably broke some roots during the transplant. Since i don't have enough information, I can't say whether it will recover or not. I'd need to know how old the plant is, how many roots were damaged... and a picture of the plant would help also.


Well-Known Member
You probably broke some roots during the transplant. Since i don't have enough information, I can't say whether it will recover or not. I'd need to know how old the plant is, how many roots were damaged... and a picture of the plant would help also.

its a month and a half old, but you'l never believe me cause its super damn small. JUST started growing its 5-point fans and they were still coming out of the top the last time i could actualy see them. now everything is just shrivled and the top bent over. i guess it was a migit due to a life of 2 23W CFLs, just recently got my broods a 3rd light.

also, several of my plants seem to wilt under the light and recover in the dark... i thought CFL wasnt powerfull enough to over-work the plants X( especially 3. i know plants will wilt if they think their getting too much light... but even more strangely they are under the 12/12 cycle (from 18/6 when i started). yeah... i put them into the proper season regardless of their puny sizes... plants are from 2-5 inches and all the same age AND strain.

picture coming tomorow, im gonna go sleep.