2 Months Old, Over fertilzed? And Probably Over Trimmed... HELP!?!?!


Active Member
Ok so heres the deal, A buddy and I have a fair sized crop about 2 months old. There all at his location ready to go out upcoming spring, except the one i kept at home with me..let me first say he uses flouro's and uses fertilzers ect. I am using a 400w hps without any ferts... until about 3 weeks ago, when i seen the size differnece... the ones at my buddys were much bigger!! so of course i got him to mix me up a jug of nuts..bad idea, my leaves have rolled up and turned black at the edges at first, then leading to the rest of the leaves, to ALL of the the leaves except the top ones coming in.. and sadly i sniped them all off except the top leaves... pretty much what i want to know is if it will live or not? now that iv choped that much off... any tips wuld be appreciated!!
You probably over fertilized. Usually you want to start off mild like 1/4 normal dosage & build your way up. I personally never go the full strength that is suggested on the bottle, and I haven't had any over fertilizing issues.

Try watering your plant until you see water run out the bottom of the pot. This will help flush out extra fertilizer.

Best of luck.


Ok so heres the deal, A buddy and I have a fair sized crop about 2 months old. There all at his location ready to go out upcoming spring, except the one i kept at home with me..let me first say he uses flouro's and uses fertilzers ect. I am using a 400w hps without any ferts... until about 3 weeks ago, when i seen the size differnece... the ones at my buddys were much bigger!! so of course i got him to mix me up a jug of nuts..bad idea, my leaves have rolled up and turned black at the edges at first, then leading to the rest of the leaves, to ALL of the the leaves except the top ones coming in.. and sadly i sniped them all off except the top leaves... pretty much what i want to know is if it will live or not? now that iv choped that much off... any tips wuld be appreciated!!