2 weeks from harvest, mildew still a problem. do i have options?


Well-Known Member
i have powdery mildew still showing up. i have been ripping the leaves off with the mildew because neem oil and baking soda dont seem to be helping anymore. the sticky buds are like glue.

any ideas?



Well-Known Member
will the bud taste bad, smell bad, burn bad? is it worthless? should i just keep trucking along? any help would be greatly appreciated. im a newb and probably already trashed my first harvest, but if i have a chance, im curious.


Active Member
you could try sulfur burning that will get rid of the mildew and harvest a week later but thats about it and im not sure if the treatment will hurt the taste of your flowers. like i said i know it will kill the pw but not sure what it will do to taste of your flowers this late in good luck and if you do it let it go a week longer


get a sulfur burner and a de-humidifier, but yeah dont smoke that mold because it will HURT you in more ways than you'll ever imagine...