2 weeks till harvest do i need full light?


Well-Known Member
hi guys basically it is boiling and i only have two weeks left till harvest i run 2 x 600w do i need as much light now or can i turn one of them off? will it make a diffrence to yield?

room is sat at 32*c

can i have propper replys thou from advanced growers stating the facts to maybe why i do or dont need as much light the last 2 weeks

Thanks guys arron.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana begins to enter the flowering stage at about 14 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness. In my experience you can increase the amount of darkness to a maximum of 14 hours be fore you deprive the plant of enough necessary light to allow growth processes to occur. The upside of increasing the dark period is faster finish and as you are looking for less heating from your lights. The downside is that decreased light means less photons to provide energy and a slightly smaller yield. If your plants are really only 2 weeks from harvest then the change in yield should be negligible. Hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
hi caretaker thanks for the reply.

maybe i will just change one of the 600 for a 400 then rather than only using 1 600w

  • the change in yield should be negligible <<<.. what do u mean by that? that it shouldent really affect yeild if it do will be very slightly ?​



Well-Known Member
During the last couple of weeks the buds will bulk up but not really get any longer so you will just be decreasing the amount of bulkage ( new word :) ) put on during that period. Good luck


that sounds crazy
the late weeks is when it can handle the highest about of nutes and lights, people even attest that the last weeks is it bulks up the most
the last 30 days is were it bulks up then goes from cloudy to amber..so if u go to amber.. u should have about another 2 weeks of time were they are just going from milky to amber.. those last 2 weeks.. so.. during those last weeks.. maybe but I haven't tried much else besides raisin the lights so that terpenes that usualy buurn off at low temps remain in the buds .. been getting some really stinky harvests.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
In nature the time up to and around harvest is the point in time when the plant is receiving the least light. Back off if you since the heat gain is giving you fits but your total focus should be keeping the leaves and healthy until harvest. Bloom foods and flushing, both popular but incorrect drills, will work against you.

See my sig link. comments under 'High light'.



Well-Known Member
You will lose overall weight for sure, but your quality will probably be better if the heat damage is not to bad at this point. Plants resin production can be totally wiped out by heat. My blueberry, years and years ago, completely turned to bunk hay in 90+ degree temps.

I would only ever recommend less light at any stage of flower for this problem you're having now. Heat.


New Member
that sounds crazy
the late weeks is when it can handle the highest about of nutes and lights, people even attest that the last weeks is it bulks up the most
Yes they continue to bulk up if they have not been pollinated but they actually are in shut down mode and you will actually see them use less and less as they age.
In nature the time up to and around harvest is the point in time when the plant is receiving the least light. Back off if you since the heat gain is giving you fits but your total focus should be keeping the leaves and healthy until harvest. Bloom foods and flushing, both popular but incorrect drills, will work against you.
The amount of light at harvest time is still much stronger and intense than most indoor grows so dropping your wattage inside will be more detrimental. Bloom foods and flushing...a bit strange?? Explain please.