2 x 1000 HPS, 8 Trainwreck, Under Current 8


Day 19
August 13th

Big water change today. Also Transposed pots 2 and 8, and 4 and 6. Sorry, but due to photographer error, pic below looks Awful.


40 Gallons used water


40 Gallons R/O water
50 Capfulls of Foxfarm "Grow big"
10 Capfulls of Foxfarm "Big Bloom"
10 Capfulls "VF-11"
3 Capfulls Superthrive

Ph: 5.6-6.4 (having regulation problems until things settle down in the tank)

PPM: 960 (Too low?)

Temp: 80 f

Humidity: 53%

As the lights went off, gave the plants a nice misting of VF-11 rich water (they say it can be absorbed easily through the leaves).


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Why are some plants growing faster than others?
Stability I imagine. Trainwreck, and all strains for that matter, have phenotypes. Sometimes the traits/genes of the father are dominant, sometime those of the mother. And when you have several hundred different genes/traits that are influencing things there can be a wide array of outcomes. That's why good breeders are supposed to back cross for stability several times, to reinforce more uniform traits. Green House is supposed to be pretty good at this but with genetics there is always a bit a uncertainty.


Well-Known Member
Your temps are way to high for hydro your plants are not liken something and you can tell by the 1 leaf leaf growing out it should have 5 check the temps in your res it needs to be at 70- 75 deg 70 to avoid pathogens
from growing just some start tips good luck..


Day 22
August 16th


PPM: 900

Temp: 78-80

Hum: 55%

Acting on other advice, I have Raised the lights to 2 feet above the plant tops, this has cooled things down for them a degree or two, and also I have read that this can make the stems EXTEND a tad longer, which frankly I'd like very much.

The root system below is from one of my Medium sized plants, the two big ones are getting too heavy to lift and take a picture at the same time.



Active Member
Your temps are way to high for hydro your plants are not liken something and you can tell by the 1 leaf leaf growing out it should have 5 check the temps in your res it needs to be at 70- 75 deg 70 to avoid pathogens
from growing just some start tips good luck..

The Dr. is right, the ideal temperature is 68 in your res. If its a little high a quick and cheap method is freezing a bottle of water and replace every couple of hours. Your about to see some big time growth, on the other journals things were pretty slow until the roots were submerged. Good luck brother were all watching.


The Dr. is right, the ideal temperature is 68 in your res. If its a little high a quick and cheap method is freezing a bottle of water and replace every couple of hours. Your about to see some big time growth, on the other journals things were pretty slow until the roots were submerged. Good luck brother were all watching.
The water temperature is just fine, it's the air temperature that I'm worried about...although, with how some of these plants look, I'm not all that worried.

I think it's a genetic problem with two of the clones, with how exactly they are all sharing the same water and nutrients and light, I can't think of anything else it could be.

I fixed my camera.

Day 24
August 19th

Ph: 6.0

PPM: 880

Temp: 79

Hum: 60%

I have measured the runts... see pics below.



Active Member
Yeah brother not telling you that is what your problem is with the stunted growth. I was just agreeing with what the dr said about ideal res temps. What is the temp in there if you don't mind me asking. When I was dreaming about this system I envisioned a water chiller somewhere in the room. But if I had everything I dreamed of I would have everything but Im stuck with only things I can afford a little at a time.


Yeah brother not telling you that is what your problem is with the stunted growth. I was just agreeing with what the dr said about ideal res temps. What is the temp in there if you don't mind me asking. When I was dreaming about this system I envisioned a water chiller somewhere in the room. But if I had everything I dreamed of I would have everything but Im stuck with only things I can afford a little at a time.
Actually my water thermometer broke, but its well within the ideal range. This system dosen't really seem to have an effect on water temperature (that I've noticed).


Hows them girls doing?

Sorry about the conversational hiatus.

*ahem*, where was I?

Oh! Right!

Day 32
August 26th

Two days ago I added a whole spectrum of foxfarm's recommended nutrients, as well as a bio-enzyme for the cultures of benificial fungi living at the microscopic level.

Ph: 6.0

PPM: 1500

Temp: 79-80

Hum: 55%

And they are growing like... well, like weeds.




Sorry about the conversational hiatus.

*ahem*, where was I?

Oh! Right!

Day 32
August 26th

Two days ago I added a whole spectrum of foxfarm's recommended nutrients, as well as a bio-enzyme for the cultures of benificial fungi living at the microscopic level.

Ph: 6.0

PPM: 1500

Temp: 79-80

Hum: 55%

And they are growing like... well, like weeds.

The photos since you last post and this one shows a huge change, what, like 5 days? The filled out quickly and nicely! Let's all try to think about a cooler air temp and that might lower it a few degrees, otherwise...well... AC?


Well-Known Member
It's one of my solutions to my heat problem, I'm also using Gatorade instead of water, and I have tied little sweat bands around the stems.


Problem fucking SOLVED.

Now I'm gonna be stuck with that image in my head boss. Weed plant with a bandana and a bottle of gatorade...:lol::lol::lol::clap::clap:

Funny shit dude.

-Butters :bigjoint:


Day 37
August 31st

PH: 6.0

PPM: 1500

Temp: 79

Hum: 60%

We are nearing the bwgining of flowering phase, so I have re arranged things a tad.
Stems on the big plants are as thick as a glue stick, only two runts still, but even they are beginning to branch.

Gosh, does anyone have any notion of how big these 8 plants are going to get? Or how much they are going to produce? One pound will make it all worthwhile, but I have heard that I can even hope fir more with my 2 1000 Watt HPS lights.

Weigh in with your opinions before I weigh in my weed.



Well-Known Member
Can you get some pics with the lights off?

The orange makes it kinda hard to see the health of the plants, not saying that they aren't healthy