20 days into dumpster flowering


Active Member
Here are pictures from 20 days into flowering. This will prob be the last round of dumpster I do. I have some yellowing leaves on the older leaves of my bigger plants. I think I just over fertizlized with tiger bloom. Also all my new growth is green and looking lush. I did a little experimenting with co2 the past two weeks:lol:



Active Member
Nice, bro! Very well grown!
thanks this is my first indoor grow. I got 10 of these beauties. Nothing but females .:bigjoint: I used fertilome blooming and rooting when switching to flowering and man what a great product. It is important to not over use it however. 5 homemade co2 despensers have really also helped lately. Only 40 more days to go :wall:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
thanks this is my first indoor grow. I got 10 of these beauties. Nothing but females .:bigjoint: I used fertilome blooming and rooting when switching to flowering and man what a great product. It is important to not over use it however. 5 homemade co2 despensers have really also helped lately. Only 40 more days to go :wall:
I'm all about home-made, bro. 40 days, huh? The race is on. . .


Active Member


Active Member
it looks like the borg, aka spider mites are making a comeback. I guess they didn't take their ass wooping serious enough last time ! I'm about 25 days into flowering is it still ok to use a spray mix ?