200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Genosyde, You have a wonderful looking plant dude.
I vegged Mine for 2 months and Have some real Beasters on my hands too.
I think its great for people who have the space.
Sativa I like a One month Vegg
But you'll be happy with the results.
I dont know if you'll get some Birthday bud,
But you'll be very close.
Awesome job man:-)


bad news guys the plant on the right which i expected to have a gooood yeild turned out to be a male :( so i took the fucker out of the flower spot, its kinda good though now all that light could be for my flowering female. one thing tho i started flowering it about 10 days ago and i barely have any bud growth, im thinking that its high sativa or i just need a bigger bucket currenbud development and more veg growth has occurred in the bud spots but not much. it seems like its preparing for the bud growth. ill be switching to a 5 gallon bucket this friday. any tips on what could be causing this?, i gave it fresh water 1 day ago and it promoted good growth just not the kind i wanted to see!!! the nutes are 8-30-16. if it is high sativa does it take longer to see bud production???

who cares about your shit !!! f off or put serious post up


Active Member
well iam into my first grow and most of my set up came from my late dads shop. my cost is in soil ,my space is small but I think after I sex and take males out I could do well. Going to take his t-5s for sides have 5 not doing athing so I'll add them to my bag lady grow. These are bag-o-seeds so just afirst try. next grow Iwill use lesson learn this grow, but iam a retired caretaker of an Arboretum and this indoor closet set up is small. Little less then what Iam use to. 100 or so arcs. Now I,am a weedeater{smoker}!


Looking great, i have a similar grow going. Pretty much the same with no lst. You are about 2 weeks ahead of me :)

I will be watching for the new pics.



Well-Known Member
hahaha, didn't last that long, lets just say i didnt have a dealer for a little over 6 months ;) and thanks to all of you for the support!