2021 first season of yr Jelly Rancher x 9 in 4x4 with all the fixin’s


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First flush update: so it has been alittle bit since an update, today while lights out I flushed 4 plants with 6 gal each because the nutes I’m using recommend a feed feed flush method so that’s what I’m doing. Plants stretched way too much for my liking makes me regret not cutting them shorter to begin with but oh well, had to re position center plant was getting bleached I believed so moved smaller plant in middle. Anyway that’s about it as you can tell from earlier pics already have buds before week 3 also have trichs already forming on sugar leaves he’ll yeah . Work the next 3 nights so will post early morning pics tomorrow am. Thanks for reading.


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Up potting update: so my next round I up potted today when I got home to 1 gal pots roots were on the bottom of each little 4” pot. Fed them good and also flushed and fed the flowering ladies last night 5 plants 18 gallons


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Just kill me now / smells update: been busy since I work nights and was taking classes all week during day kinda threw off my schedule so I didn’t get to do total defoliation on day 21 I however did go thru 7 of 9 totally cleaned up bottoms and still just need to pluck fans off tops and finish other two and put up trellis . Thank god I’m in a tent because only one of the ones that is cleaned up on bottom is floppy! Everything else is good to go g I joe . Will post some pics this weekend . Feeding more frequent looks like we are at 3 days between now.

and as far as smell goes it to my nose smells like dank berries
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Started the second defoliation update: got most of front row done all but what would be on the inside center part of tent worked on left side as well taking a few hr break then coming back to finish it up but here is some in progress pics



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Finished up update: came back thru and finished trimming back all crap as much as I decided and fan leaf removal complete now it’s bud building time

No trellis at this time plants seem sturdy enough or flipped over enough they are all standing but one floppy one which is weakest out of all of them



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Pics of budwood forest during the “night” : also flushed one plant that I missed on the first flush go around, and. Fed two plants also 12 gallons in the soil
I see what your saying node-wise now.. weird bc it's a sativa with indica growing habits supposedly. And we both have the w/sq ft covered. Doinks in 45 days??? Lol wtf hsc, they do smell and look good for a month in though. No complaints... I'm watching an outdoor grow with these too, so maybe the bush/45day is more geared for them.lookin good :joint:


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Just an update update: been feeding plants as needed check every night and day on how they feel , they are all on their own feeding schedule now . Also topped and trimmed up the 3 blueberry muffin and 2 jelly rancher for next round they are feeding every 3 days or so now . Besides that everything is pretty much under control in cruise to the end of flower . Pics will come towards end of week , tomorrow begins week 5 baby


Well-Known Member
F Yas!I've been waiting to see them plump up, more excited for mine now... I haven't tried pushing the neuts hard. Only up to 800 so far. What's you ppm/ec?


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I haven’t really checked my ppm/ec, I know it’s not what they recommend ppm, last time I checked the flush ppm was alittle over 500 ppm and when I fed about first weeks nutes ppms were in 800’s not recommended 1500 ppm i just go by what they put on feeding chart and go with it.


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Reason being I mix up gallon at a time and hand water all my ladies.
Your Dedicated my friend.... each plant gets their own mix? :clap: 5gal bucket for me and they all (2) lol , get the same. No flushing for me either. We should send some test samples to each other for flush science reasons:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I do flush because I’m using success nutes they recommend a feed feed flush schedule but the flush they do get a few nutes mixed in with ph water


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Figured I would share pics update: this is the 3 blueberry muffins and 2 jelly ranchers I have vegging at the moment like I said before I just topped for first time and trimmed them up yesterday almost lights out time for them but here you are . Two on right and with blue tape are jellies and rest are blue berry



Well-Known Member
Veg side pics and dankwood forest night pics: yesterday was day 21 veg and almost to day 42 in flower still 2 days before week 6 begins :) smell coming off the girls is very intriguing. Sticky as hell but has kind of a sweet sugary smell with fruity undertone . Got a leaner in the front so either I put up trellis or tie it together ...

