220 Watt CFL- Soil - Indica Dom Strains - 3 Females


Well-Known Member
man, they look fantastic!!! they look very sticky!!! i posted some pics of my LED panel that you asked about a few days ago. keep up the awesome job!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the compliments guys.

Stoney, I saw that LED panel. It looks awesome. I know in the future one of those will be in my grow. Thanks for stopping by


Well-Known Member
Just flushed the 2 bigger plants with about a quart of water each at 1tbs/gallon of blackstrap molasses. The molasses and my filtered water came to PH around 6 so I didn't have to adjust it myself which was nice.

Also since i mentioned potency I feel like they have been getting much more crystally and a more "done" look. Ill post pics tomorrow or the next day to see how this molasses/flush did.

Im really liking how these bagseeds are turning out.

Also I moved the plants around and the lights to focus the lights in priority to how far along the plant is. So the most indica one should be able to put on its final weight between the light and molasses/flush.


Well-Known Member
So since the plants are getting close to finishing I decided to post my pics a different way so they are more appealing. Hope you all enjoy. Tell me what you think! :leaf:

When do you guys think the Indica plant will be done? I started flushing a few days ago. My guess is 7-10 days.



Active Member
My guess is 3 weeks probably longer but I mainly grow medicine so I go for a high cbd ratio but honestly bro those buds look like they need a bit more time...


Well-Known Member
grandaddy, my honest opinion, i agree with hippysmoke. the buds are beautiful and still popping out fresh white pistils. i'd say 3 weeks easily. if i were you, i would continue feeding for the next week at lesat, the buds can get a lot fatter still :) (just my 2 cents)


Active Member
That one tall main cola is gonna fill out like a mofo in a couple more weeks looks beautiful!!!!


Well-Known Member
the weight really packs on during the last week of growth..... whenever you think it's done.... wait a week or two. you won't regret it!


Well-Known Member
So you guys are saying for the plant with some brown hairs on it to keep feeding? Should I feed with nutes? or just molasses and flushes. I use FloraNova Bloom. The plant seems to be slowly killing off its fan leaves.

The other 2 plants that have 90%+ white hairs Im going to keep feeding flower nutes for a few more weeks.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and for the help.

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
So you guys are saying for the plant with some brown hairs on it to keep feeding? Should I feed with nutes? or just molasses and flushes. I use FloraNova Bloom. The plant seems to be slowly killing off its fan leaves.

The other 2 plants that have 90%+ white hairs Im going to keep feeding flower nutes for a few more weeks.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and for the help.
Yes, some strains take longer than what teh website says about being 7.-8 weeks of flower (or whatever your is) Towards the end of flower, most of my plants have dispelled yellowing leaves, a normal occurrence for these plants. You can use the molasses all the way to the end, without a worry about flushing it. Molasses is great, and non-harmful in the right quantities.

Your other 2 plants sound golden. Keep nuting them the way you do. and i totally agree with what stoney said. It's very true, ESPECIALLY with CFLs.

Good luck Gran, sounds like you're doing great so far!


Well-Known Member
My plants are just from a huge bagseed nug and they all look different so kinda cool being my first grow (get to see how different plants flower). I'm really liking molasses especially after reading a thread recently where indoor plants don't need as much phosphorous as people have been giving them because outdoors the soil leaches the phosphorous really fast. So my molasses is high in calcium, iron and potassium while FloraNova is 4-8-7 So its pretty good to balance nutes around. If anyone is interested in the thread its by riddleme in advanced section, he posted it a couple days ago.

Right on, im patient so I can wait the extra week or two for some more weight and potency :leaf:

Also Im trying to reveg the more indica plant so do you think i should harvest a couple days early so it isn't entirely dead, or does it not really matter?


Grandaddy87, I read your entire thread and all looks great! I do have a question though. I see you have you 3 girls in your grow box. My grow box is a bit bigger than yours but with the same set up. My question is you mention that

Flower - 220 Watt total
(2) 55 Watt CFL 2700k
(2) 42 Watt CFL 2700k
(1) 26 Watt CFL 6500k

For your 3 girls. These CFL's that you have did you get them in a regular hardware store? if so then im safe with my CFL's. If not then im introuble! I ask cuz its my 1st CFL grow and it just seems that these bitches(LOL) take a bit longer to get fat!
Once again, pics look great!


Well-Known Member
Wildponey, Welcome man.

The lights I got are from a superwalmart. Its the only place in stores where I could find 42 or 55 watt bulbs. I see plenty of people who run 26 watt bulbs and get good results.

I actually wish I had more blue spectrum in there but owell Im gonna have the lights better next grow. In order to get a lot off watts in your box, you need good ventilations to keeps temps low so watch for that.


Ok gotcha! good looking out bro with the info. My ventalation is good, in the next couple of days I will go the Walmart and check those out.
SO for your 3 girls, you have a total of 5 CFL's ? as you mentioned above, nice.

Keep up the good work and I will be following your page!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man. And ya for veg try and get like pure 6500s, 2700s dont really do much for veg at all.

Goodluck man and glad to have you along


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, quick update on the indica plant. Also wanted to show how many pink hairs the sativa is starting to get. :leaf:

Sorry that some pics were blurry.