24/48 hours darkness.or not before 12/12?


Well-Known Member
thats what it does it jump starts the flowering process and dark at the end helps finish them. dark at the end stops thc production but accelerates the cb`s by as much as 30%
i do the 24 hours at the begining of flowering and at the end i do up to 72 hours of dark before choping plants helps with resin production also


Active Member
yeah, i read in Jorge's Bible book that 36 hours is the magic number. anything more makes no difference. i just tried it a few days ago and the plant is in flower room now, too early to tell if there's a difference between her timing to flower and her moms.


Well-Known Member
this might raise the chances of the plant hermying... think about nature, when/where would you ever see 24 hours of night? ive heard of doing this AFTER flowering, right before harvesting, cus it apparently makes your plants think they are dying so they freak out and crystallize alot - which might also be bullshit, but im pretty damn certain putting your plants in 24 (especially 48...wtf) hours of dark before flowering isnt gonna have any positive effect. i dont think it would hurt yield or quality, infact it might help "reset" the plant cus ive had a pro grower friend mention something about this.

i really dont know if id risk it though, its always best to get scientific backup before doing something that might confuse/hermy/stress your plants.
i wouldnt worrie about the hermying. puttin in 24 of dark will be good for the plants because they mature faster also it dose reset the time too


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but this was my 1st grow I used a dark period between veg/flower (30 hrs so I could keep the same "dawn") and it hasn't shown sex yet. I usually can tell by now it seems to be changing to flowering phase very slowly. Although now that I think about it I am experimenting with a new blooming nute so it may have something to do with it lol.


Well-Known Member
i just did a test were i took 3 plants down with no dark and 5 more i left 72 hours and there was quite a difference in stickyness. after my last watering i let them dry up then when i would have usualy watered is when i shut the light down and took the first 3. when i gave them 24 hours dark at 12/12 they showed flowering in a week to 10 days. it seems to have worked for mine, i`m sure it would depend on the strain to


Active Member
I thought the whole point of the 24/36 hour darkness thing was so the plants showed early signs of whatever sex it is and you didnt have to wait 2 or more weeks into 12/12, just a couple of days. I didnt think it did anything to yeild, size, potency? lol From what ive read its just to determine the sex of the plant earlier than you normally would after switching to 12/12


Active Member
i did 36 hours of dark with my last clone and she showed flowers after 9 days (took her mom 14).

So, it cut down the time by 5 days, but then you have to factor in the 1.5 days of dark, so it was only about a 3.5 day advantage.


New Member
I wouldn't think that having your plants in light for 5 1/2 months without any dark would be good for them. Plants change sunlight into sugars during the day and at night they put those sugars into action and do their growing. Kind of like eating during the day but nothing digests until night.


Well-Known Member
i think enyone that wanted thier own answer like myself has done the test to put this to rest for them selvesa and we have donr this with alot of different crops trying it out and we came up with 18/6. but i`m sure everyome will get a different result


Well-Known Member
yes your right.
best way to learn is to try it yourself, learn from own mistakes etc.

but really i find 18/6 to be better than 24/0.
its just much easyer on 24/0, you can not make any mistakes.lol