24/7 or 18/6 ??


Well-Known Member
First grow in about a year. Seedlings are 6 days old now. Ive had the lights on 24/7 so far. I plan on keeping them in veg for a month. Should I keep on with 24/7 or knock it back to 18/6?

Opinions welcomed.


Well-Known Member
Up to you. I keep mine at 24 cause I use outside air to cool my room so when I shut it off, it gets too cold. Until I get a controller, this is how I do it. You can do 18 to save some electricity.
I hear that the night period allows for root growth. I an at 20/4 for the last week, new clones, but switching to 18/6 in a few days.


Well-Known Member
Also it aids hiding your power consumption usage. you can stagger tents light times to hide the 12/12 pattern from showing up.


Well-Known Member
I post this regularly, but I will again here.
I saw an experiment play out with 3 clones, each grown in a different light cycle... 18/6 20/4 24/0

20/4 was the best plant at harvest.
18/6 was right behind it.
24/0 sucked.
I use 24/0 when I first start seedlings, as soon as they break surface and open the little sucker leaves, I switch them to 20/4 or 18/6 depending on weather. During summer 18/6 so I don't have to spend so much time cooling it. During the winter 20/4 to keep that heat a little longer.