24 days old cfls grow PICS !!


Active Member
hows she looking?
24 days old
idk why shes so short looking but getting bushy
looks like a pot plant :P
did you top it? thats what is prolly making it short and bushy. might want to get those lights closer unles you moved them back for the pics. lookin alright whats the strain

EDIT: lol the time it took me to type this 4 other posts were made on the thred :P


Bag seed.
What light spectrum is best for veg?
And also for flowering?
Most people swear by HPS for flower, MH for veg or CFL but I think that the best is to use a combination of HPS and CFL.

This answer will vary greatly depending on the individual though.

I am using a 250w HPS right now, this is my first grow and Im just about 10 days in, so I am in no way claiming to be an expert, just giving you the info that I have gathered from research.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Dude dont worry about your plants height just worry about having a healthy plant. different plants grow at different speeds. your plants will grow at what speed it wants to. just remeber that if you think your plants a little short you can stretch it by just lifting the light about 6 inches for about a week then lower it again


Active Member
looks nice mate, u shudnt really need more but depends wat wattage they are, wat r they?

have u topped these plants?

i veg under 65ook cfls and flower under hps, get some venting sorted ul benefit alot from it.


Active Member
yea jst use a both spectrum threw out the grow<<< i knw cfls dnt get tht hot but i thknk keepn them aroud 5to 7 inchs away should be good,,,,