24 Hour Veg?


Well-Known Member
Yes but if you have treated them well...you should be OK, this neutrally depends on how old the plants actually are


Well-Known Member
Me personally, i only use 24hr lighting to revert a plant back.
But if your plants are well establish it shouldn't shock them too much.

But remember everything needs sleep… (one way to look at it)


Well-Known Member
Why do you want to go from 18 to 24?
With my grows, I do about the first 4-6 weeks of veg with 24, then I phase the plants into 12/12 over a 2-4 week period(2 hours at a time).
It more closely resembles seasonal changes, saves electricity over 24 hour cycle, and greatly reduces the stretch you normally see going into flowering with a hard 24 -->12/12 cycle.
Using this method of light cycle switch my indica plants hardly stretch at all, and my sativa girls only put on 6-10 inches.


Well-Known Member
The expert growers I follow say that 20/4 is the optimum cycle. During lights off there is a bunch of things going on under the soil.

With that said, going 24/0 won't hurt your plants, but it won't help them either. Last winter I ran mine 24/0 to keep my grow room temps above 60 degrees.


Well-Known Member
I've run on a 24/0 cycle before. It worked out pretty well for me. But i've never switched from 18/6 to 24/0. It shouldn't hurt them though, I wouldn't see much issue.
As the gentlemen above me put it, 20/4 would be more ideal. Some dark time is good for a plant. It's rare, maybe impossible that nature would allow 24 hours of light.

And if you only add 2 hours to her light cycle, she pretty much won't notice the difference.

If I were you, i'd go 20/4.


Active Member
the biggest advantage to 24 is you get less stretch and also zero risk for light leaks.
24/0 = lots of root growth. Hardly any stretch.
18/6 = more stretch. Basic root growth.
12/12 = VERY MINIMAL root growth. ALL stretch. Min 3foot plants.. usually.