25 seeds sown, male success rate 100%


Active Member
so can anyone tell me what i am doing that can cause this, i have used many different types of soil including canna coco, but i have yet to get a single female, i am sure of it. I have been going by the pistils and there have only ever been 2 and the plants have balls.
I have used 2 lots ofcommercial seeds and some bag seeds of different varieties
can any one give me any advice on this


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site, dharmagirl!

I had some miserable luck when i first started out but my luck did eventually change. I don't know if it was coincidence but my luck changed when i invested in some better equipment - including an awesome light.

maybe try some feminized seeds? I realize my evidence is anecdotal but i've had a 100% female to male ratio with them so far (haven't germinated a lot of them so my luck may change).

don't give up!


Well-Known Member
I find it very hard to believe you got 25 out of 25 males. Are you sure you know how to tell the difference? Not trying to be a dick, it's just very unlikely. Maybe you could post some pics next time?


Active Member
well let's see, medium, climate, drainage, exposure all could possibly affect the seed's decision. Hell, if you have so many males grow them into furniture! Home page maybe a coffee table, that's a good conversation piece. Grow your own computer desk, a lamp. Cd rack, bed posts, mirror and picture frame, end table. I mean, if all you can't get oranges and just got lemons, make lemonade. People would buy that shit.

back to the males, get a book or something, search some logs, try to start them from seed indoor.


Well-Known Member
The odds are like in the millions of that happening. You'd have a better chance of winning the lottery or getting struck by lightning.


Well-Known Member
is there a chance that you could turn the male plant into a hurmi? because if that's the case you might ge some female seeds


Well-Known Member
is the water used to germinate, its ALOT of alkaline, they mostly always turn male if this is the case, only thing i can think off, u used ph'd water?


Well-Known Member
I planted 20 baggie seeds. One plant died for no reason halfway thru vegging, 14 were males. I have 4 georgous ladies out of 20 seeds! as for commercial, I can't help ya' but baggie odds really DO suck!


Well-Known Member
The seed is genetically set male or female, the only thing you can do to make them male is to hermaphrodite them and the most common way of doing this is with a messed up light cycle. That would be my guess.


Well-Known Member
hi Dharmagirl, just a quick question, what method do you use to determine sex, example: microsexing (with clones) or just bringing the plant to maturity and if its maturity how old are they when you check them?


Well-Known Member
ya like every one is saying your ph might be off.... check it i believe if its acidic it will tend to be male or it may be basic im not sure but keep your ph in check.


Active Member
Yea, I'm gonna have to say it's a water issue too in my opinion. I've always heard that if you use tap water without letting it set out a couple of days it'll tend to turn out a male. That + bag seed + maybe a little bit unlucky. It could happen.


Active Member
i have the same problem too i have a plant that has balls on it but it has two hairs on one of the balls so idk what it is help