250 watt light and small space equalls how many buddies?


Well-Known Member
Hey i got this 250 watt hps and plan on getting the son agro bulb, i have this small setup that i could fit 4 plants in ind a cris cross kind of layout like so
0 0
0 0 so is this power enogh for the most yeild i can get out of 4 plants? if i added c0 2 would it make up? also i was thinking about growing hydro which is said to add to speed and size of plants as less energy is used to grow the roots, im gana start a journal soon but these are just some things i want some input on so i can consider the possibilities


Well-Known Member
any advice for a newb would be app on the well rounded plant enviroment, getting some seets in a couple days..


Well-Known Member
Its annoying when the boards are dead aint it lol

How many lumens is it giving of in total?


Active Member
My hps bulb says 35,000. It has added blue. The original one that came with the light says 33,000 lumens. That's fine for 4 plants. You can lower it down closer than you could a 400 probably. I am flowering 5 plants right now under my 250 at 35,000 lumens. I also put in about 3,500 lumens of cfl 3000k spectrum as well in a lamp with a splitter socket. I wanted to get close to 40,000 lumens. So far they seems to be doing fine.


Well-Known Member
say whaaat? whered you get that bulb cause iv never heard of so many lumens coming out of a 250? i had that same idea with adding some flo, exept its allitle crazy though it should work, i was going to moung this 4 by 2 flo fixture, it looks like a grow light idk i found it in a friend of mines barn but anyway i was going to mount it on the back wall of my set up cause theirs no more room for it so i guess if i turn the plants regularly all the buds will benifit...dk though... it will be intresting to find out..


Well-Known Member
but anyways yeah i could get it lower huh and ill probly aim more for like 3 witch is a little lower then 10k lumens a plant, and i hear that 3500 is proficient so i feel good about my set up, well see... but seriously where did you find that bulb cause i could use those extra lumens??


Active Member
Here you go.
High Tech Garden Supply

Nice guy runs this place. great hps light I purched from him. As I said, mine came with a 33,000 lumen bulb, and as you see, this one adds some extra blue for veg, and has a total of 35,000 lumens. Plenty for 3 or 4 flowering plants.

I am sure you could get a little more bud off a 400 watt, but it's not how much you can harvest, it's can you grow the amount you need with a 250. I am sure I can with mine. As soon as you say you could get more with a 400, then you have to say, you could get more with a 600, then more with a 1,000, then why not two 1,000, then why not a massive grow space with three rooms and three 1,000. The point is, as yourself how much Chronic you need in a years time, then find out if the equipment you have and want can grow that amount in a certain number of grows per year. If you came here and asked, "can an HPS 250 grow 8 ounces a year in three total grows?", I bet there would be a lot more people able to give an informed answer.

For myself, just my brother and I smoke in the family, so I rarely smoke with anyone else, and only with my brother a couple times a week, so I figured that 6 ounces a year will handle my smoking needs. Then all I had to do was ask if a 250 hps could grow 6 ounces in about three harvests a year, and was told most definitely it could. Some of these growers here are so good, I bet they could grow many many ounces in three grows per year with only an HPS and a closet and some basic equipment like a ph tester, some nutes, and a couple of fans. Some of these guys have incredibly green thumbs and seem to just instinctively know what to do and when.


Well-Known Member
Nice dude thats a definate bulb for my set up, yeah man i thats who i got my 250, and hey man im just being inquisitive cause i dont what to be inaddequate, i feel experienced growers should be be able to tell me how many plants can be grown under certain about of lumens so i simply ask the questions. You here 3500 is adequate from some growers and then again you hear that a 150 watt hps witch can but out 1700 lumens is only good for one good female maby two, so anyways im definetly getting that bulb, do u use that from seedling/clone to finish??


Active Member
Sure you can use it for the entire grow. Just make sure the seedlings are not directly under it for a while until they get some strength. You would burn them if you put them directly under the hps 250 in the first week probably. Just make sure that they stay out at the edge of the light cone shining down. Move them in under as they grow a little, and keep an eye on them to see if they start to get uncomfortable.

Nice dude thats a definate bulb for my set up, yeah man i thats who i got my 250, and hey man im just being inquisitive cause i dont what to be inaddequate, i feel experienced growers should be be able to tell me how many plants can be grown under certain about of lumens so i simply ask the questions. You here 3500 is adequate from some growers and then again you hear that a 150 watt hps witch can but out 1700 lumens is only good for one good female maby two, so anyways im definetly getting that bulb, do u use that from seedling/clone to finish??


Well-Known Member
i no you can but i was wondering if you yourself does it and then from there how quicly they vegged so ... ever try it?