250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
GG: Awesome dude!! Looks way better than the pheno I smoked for sure. Big up GG!!

Treez: The way I always handle gnats is with play sand. Home depot or Lowe's should have a nice big ole' bag for pretty cheap. 1 to 2 inches of sand on the top of your soil, didn't use potatoes or tobacco juice or nothing like that. The sand always worked for me. That doesn't look like the gnat damage I got, ever.... That looks more like Def, PH or if it were a pest Mites. Check under your leaves and look for webs, if no mites are found then it's gotta be Nutes or PH at that point.

CBT: Looks awesome, Blueberry is one of my favorites. Definitely a top smoke, and in my top 10.

Verde: Lol Dj, DP, Sag, who else? The same damn genetics under different companies, gotta love it lol. Also thanks for being around, takes a nice little load off.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
No problem doob... I've been subbed to this for a year +.. Didn't know the thread was in need of information!

I'll have some pics up of my ladies tonight, they've doubled in size since the last photo.. :)


Well-Known Member
update 7 weeks flowering.

what up fellas every things seems to be going good no white flys , minor nute burn on tips of leaves and it seems the leaves that are closer to the light are starting to turn yellow?. i will be flushing both plants tomorrow:blsmoke: and i will be starting the 12/12 on my sour cream and Jilly Bean im going to have to add my 150w hps sunsystem light for about 2 or 3 weeks till the bubblulicius is done to get a head start on the other plants, hope it dosent get to hot!i :weed: DSCF5411.jpgDSCF5399.jpgDSCF5400.jpgDSCF5401.jpgDSCF5402.jpgDSCF5403.jpgDSCF5404.jpgDSCF5405.jpgDSCF5406.jpgDSCF5407.jpg


Well-Known Member
No problem doob... I've been subbed to this for a year +.. Didn't know the thread was in need of information!

I'll have some pics up of my ladies tonight, they've doubled in size since the last photo.. :)
Lol there's a bunch of information in here, but some like questions answered stat you know? So it's nice to have another person to help with the swift replies for sure. Cool dude I can't wait to see!! I have to recharge my damn camera batteries/stop being lazy and I'll get some up lol.

update 7 weeks flowering.

what up fellas every things seems to be going good no white flys , minor nute burn on tips of leaves and it seems the leaves that are closer to the leght i starting to turn yellow?. i will be flushing both plants tomorrow:blsmoke: and i will be starting the 12/12 on my sour cream and Jilly Bean im going to have to add my 150w hps sunsystem light for about 2 or 3 weeks till the bubblulicius is done to get a head start on the other plants, hope it dosent get to hot!i :weed: View attachment 2005471View attachment 2005062View attachment 2005063View attachment 2005068View attachment 2005069View attachment 2005070View attachment 2005071View attachment 2005072View attachment 2005073View attachment 2005470
Are the leaves crispy or normal but just yellow?

Edit: Looking awesome Frank, she's packing in that weight now for sure. Can't wait to see that Jillybean grow, I like Jillybean more than other TGA strains personally.


Well-Known Member
Are the leaves crispy or normal but just yellow?

Edit: Looking awesome Frank, she's packing in that weight now for sure. Can't wait to see that Jillybean grow, I like Jillybean more than other TGA strains personally.[/QUOTE]

im exited that you think the jilly bean is a good strain im glad i pick a good strain cant wait to see how it turns out the only thing i read in some somke reports that the potency is a 6or7 out of 10, what do you think about its potency? and the leaves are just a lil bit crispy.


Well-Known Member
You'll wonder why you ever used CFLs once you fire up that HPS... The light is just better I think, more penetration into the canopy, and just covers the plants in bright light. CFL can grow some good bud but HPS is just so much easier and fun I think.

Like doob said keep using some CFLs for added light, I use like 60-80w of CFL just to light up underneath my canopy.. and use the 250w up top
Thanks for the tip, I used a 400w HID in the past but had serious temp issues had to get rid of it in the end but got an awesome weight off of it.

But yeah I got some good bud off my 250 of CFL... think I might drop some money when I have it and grab the HID, read some good grows and bits of this thread so it seems like a good Idea. I'm doing a ScrOG, so under canopy lighting isn't an issue but I was planning on using the CFL until it dies then keeping my LED as side lighting.

one last thing, hows the energy cost?


Well-Known Member
Those look delicous! I just ordered some G13 Pineapple Express [feminized]... How did you like the genetics? I'm going to start 8 of them in about a month. I heard it was a somewhat short flower, but remained strong medication with good yields. I'd love any information you could give me :).

Thanks.. I'm surprised more people don't know about grizzly's thread.. So I'm glad to share..

Can you see the flies? Or are your leaves just showing damage? There are a few things that leave foliage looking like that. Like people have said here 2inches of sand above your soil will keep many eggs from thriving from many pests.. The water runs right through it but it's literally quick sand for the critters... If they are on your leaves neem oil is a good natural solution, as is breaking cigarettes up into water, making tea and then watering.. The nicotine won't harm your plants really but it can really hurt those critters. Different solutions for different critters - it's all outlined in grizzlys thread :D. Make sure to read into the questions people asked too, some of the replies are just as informative as the original post.

It's likely the common fungus gnat. You may see the same critters around stagnant water, or a sink that isn't used frequently (they will live in the drains :spew:).. They lay eggs that turn into nasty fungus gnat larvae that squirms through your soil munching on the shit it shouldn't be eating..

Though the spots almost look like a calcium issue with a little magnesium deficiency.. Unless you have been misting the leaves with the HPS on.. ;). Here is a thread you should bookmark, check out the photos, and see if anything looks familiar. It really helps me still. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688

They usually come around when your a little generous with the water. Not overwatering per say, but just by keeping your soil moist. You can fight/kill fungus gnats by using some sand on top of your soil, or a nicotine tea.. Sticky traps wouldn't be a bad idea. Personally I use a small blow torch (micro flame, used for 'jewelery' or hot wands) and just fry the little fuckers if I know I have some. Obviously I avoid roots, and the branches and I don't heat the soil for too long but even when I get within inches of them with the flame their wings melt and they fall to the floor to die. Then eggs get incinerated :evil: but yes there are natural, safe ways to eradicate :peace:.. as long as your killing bugs and not harming your plants your doing it correctly. ;) :peace:

Looks like a wicked sativa, that bluelarry I mean! Makes me eager to germ a dutch passion blueberry bean I have..
Thanks again bro, I flushed her with straight tap water at one point so maybe that was causing the PH or Cal/Mag def.. If thats the case. Another thing i've noticed is this particular pheno "vanilla kush" just doesn't like to hold onto her leaves very well, givin it was way to close to the 600 this time even the shaded budz where dropping fan leaves when usually every strain I grow stays green almost all the way through.. I'm definitely getting fungus gnats though so I will get some sand and the little strips just to help solve that problem :) Maybe the VK is just a little more temprimental? Owell I wont be growing her afer this anyway as I'm not very impressed with the outcome. Still great dense looking bud just not my fav. I was gong to toss the little party cup VK but I guess if its not threatining my other girls I'll let her finish up seeing shes already a few weeks into flowering..

GG: Awesome dude!! Looks way better than the pheno I smoked for sure. Big up GG!!

Treez: The way I always handle gnats is with play sand. Home depot or Lowe's should have a nice big ole' bag for pretty cheap. 1 to 2 inches of sand on the top of your soil, didn't use potatoes or tobacco juice or nothing like that. The sand always worked for me. That doesn't look like the gnat damage I got, ever.... That looks more like Def, PH or if it were a pest Mites. Check under your leaves and look for webs, if no mites are found then it's gotta be Nutes or PH at that point.

CBT: Looks awesome, Blueberry is one of my favorites. Definitely a top smoke, and in my top 10.

Verde: Lol Dj, DP, Sag, who else? The same damn genetics under different companies, gotta love it lol. Also thanks for being around, takes a nice little load off.
Yea thats what I originally thought doobs, mites.. Definitely not seeing any mites so thats a good thing, I think its just the fungus gnats and like you guys said maybe a def that this particular strain has a hard time with? Wierd but I'm not all that worried now which is good :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Here is Reserva Privada headband yesterday at day 22 flower... Starting to get fun now..

@ matchbox..... Yeah bro I'm growing SCROG too... They have enough light up top, the light down below helps push the subcanopy branches up to the canopy... I've probably added 3-4 colas that would have been popcorn by adding these lights a few weeks back. I trim my stuff out on the bottom, and the light just blasts up underneath and it makes the plants happier and bushier :).


Well-Known Member
Here is Reserva Privada headband yesterday at day 22 flower... Starting to get fun now..

@ matchbox..... Yeah bro I'm growing SCROG too... They have enough light up top, the light down below helps push the subcanopy branches up to the canopy... I've probably added 3-4 colas that would have been popcorn by adding these lights a few weeks back. I trim my stuff out on the bottom, and the light just blasts up underneath and it makes the plants happier and bushier :).
ah I see, never really thought of it like that, I suppose it would help light up the shaded undergrowth, though once my screen is filled I tend to chop all the undergrowth out and/or chop it out as I go, might try it with a fluro tube under canopy.


Well-Known Member
The clones for my SoG adventure are looking pretty sad.. I took them out of the net pots and transplanted to good old rockwool and hydroton. They look sad but alive, so I am hoping that they are concentrating on roots ;). I also switched the mothers to 12/12 under the 400 watt MH, I am seeing more white hairs but it seems slow compared to HPS so... ordered a conversion bulb yesterday and they will be under 320 watts of HPS soon. I will get some pics up as soon as there is something worth taking a picture of.. ;)



Well-Known Member
The clones for my SoG adventure are looking pretty sad.. I took them out of the net pots and transplanted to good old rockwool and hydroton. They look sad but alive, so I am hoping that they are concentrating on roots ;). I also switched the mothers to 12/12 under the 400 watt MH, I am seeing more white hairs but it seems slow compared to HPS so... ordered a conversion bulb yesterday and they will be under 320 watts of HPS soon. I will get some pics up as soon as there is something worth taking a picture of.. ;)

Lol I was wondering when you were going to chime in!!


Well-Known Member
4 of these babies are 3 weeks into flower, 2 of them are 1 week.

As I type this, they are sitting next to me in my grow closet glowing . . .

Any guesses on how much I'll yield, im hoping for at least 8oz
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Well-Known Member
Been hibernating..lol
Yeah that harvest is prob aiding in that one huh? Lol hibernation is good, it is your friend.

green machine
lights off day 23
That looks awesome Verde, I can't wait to see full on bloom!!

Yield has so many factors that it's super hard to say. However a general yield would be 0.5 grams for every watt on a decent grow, and 1 gram per watt for a really spectacular grow. So 125 - 250 grams is what you'd be looking at, generally speaking anyway.

If it were up to me though, everyone would have a gazillion grams of dry weight after harvesting lol. Party on planet Earth ya'll heeeeeeey!!


Well-Known Member
Yield has so many factors that it's super hard to say. However a general yield would be 0.5 grams for every watt on a decent grow, and 1 gram per watt for a really spectacular grow. So 125 - 250 grams is what you'd be looking at, generally speaking anyway.

If it were up to me though, everyone would have a gazillion grams of dry weight after harvesting lol. Party on planet Earth ya'll heeeeeeey!!
Yea, I know, and I agree, WEED FOR THE WORLD! Let's start a superpac by that name. Thanks for the guess. I would be very happy if I could yield 200 grams. :-D :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone hate to be random but has anyone seen arrow with the sunburst system? Was it any good ? Thanks
Arrow? Please clarify?

As far as Sunburst systems, if you're referring to the Hydrofarm model.... I don't have much experience with that particular brand. Maybe others will chime in, I know a lot of people use it but that's about it.