250W hps SCROG - barneys blue cheese & big buddha cheese


Active Member
well done on a sick harvest mate. what temperatures were u at for your grow an what ventilation/ filters u got runnin. i wanna try an copy you exactly :)


Well-Known Member
Thats some serious weight congrats man enjoy that smoke! Im growing some cheese right now, hopefully they finish as nice as yours good work +rep
thanks, I hope your cheese is/was a good smoke!!

love this grow,nice work
sub'd for sure>check out my cheese and blue cheese
cant wait to see more of this scrog,might try it 1 day myself


rep to u aswell
cheers man, blue cheese FTW! I bet you and your mates will love it :)

well done on a sick harvest mate. what temperatures were u at for your grow an what ventilation/ filters u got runnin. i wanna try an copy you exactly :)
thanks man :) I wasnt scientifically anal about the temps, i just tried to keep them no lower then 65 at night (lights out) and no higher then 80 during the lights on. i measured my temps in the shade and blew the fan onto the light to take the heat away. i didnt notice the plants get too dry from either the fan blowing air at the tops of the colas / lamp or the lamp being too near that it dried the buds out...the biggest thing i've found it just to ignore them as much as possible. the more you move, poke, prod etc the plants the less they seem to grow...just get them set, keep the room somewhere in those temps, keep them fed and let them dry out and they will take care of themself. i'm sure you have it all nailed anway, good luck :)


Well-Known Member
the last 2 / 3 weeks they start to smell. just ventilate out a window or wherever and you will be golden. i used a ruck fan and rhino/phatty filter which i was told are right up there as good fan filter combos go......but it still gets smellly even with odor neutralisers...just vent the smell and warm air out the room and it will only smell when you open the tent :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
looks good bro, i love a scrog ;) i'll be interested to see what u get of the 250. good luck bro :)

edit i'm on max threads and only read the 1st page! sweet bro u done well with that light :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the green reps that have been left for the grow. i've not been back in ages to check, just been growing away at home happily. i'll do another journal after the summer and will try and beat everything i did in this one, starting with making sure i dont get spidermites! GRRR lol


Active Member
just read through your grow journal , Really liked it. you got a load wedged into that space and light being used. I got a a few ak47's going at the moment
but i think I will try some blue chees on my next grow.