26 days into flowering with little pistils..


Well-Known Member
So my plants are 26 days into flowering and I'm just now starting to see pistils.. only at the main cola and about 2-3 little white hairs.

This seems really weird to me because the last blackjack I grew had LOTS of pistils in the first 10 DAYS of flowering... WTF?

I will also note that the flowering chamber I have for them isn't completely pitch black. I have a 26watt bulb outside the flower chamber so I can see things in the dark and some of it might be leeching into the chamber somewhat.. however I look in occasionally it it seems very dark so I don't know what the deal is.


New Member
well obviously there light coming in from somewhere 26 days dam maybe turn off lights for 24 hrs then resume 12 /12 or even 11 hrs of light 13 off

here are plants on day 12

