27 days into flower and fuckk


Well-Known Member
use this remedies.
•Make a solution of 2 teaspoons organic apple cider vinegar per quart of water. Spray on the plants to eliminate and/or prevent mildew growth.
•Add ½ teaspoon baking soda per quart of water. Spray.
•Oil sprays consisting of neem oil, sesame oil or fish oil work on powdery mildew as it does on many fungal diseases.
•Milk sprays have been very effective in eliminating powdery mildew. Combine 40% milk with 60% water. The milk’s protein acts with the sun to create a natural antiseptic, killing mildew as the result. Milk sprays should be applied in bright light every ten days as a preventative measure. This method can be employed to resist mildew on any garden plant
Ill b reposting this for the next few years If ur cool w it? Lol