

Well-Known Member
not when you're weighing say 100mg of 2ci to lay on paper..10 extra mg can be a very steep dose..its all relative I suppose..id still want my scale to be accurate no matter what..


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you mean to lay like 5-10 doses and a 10% bump in dose wouldn't be a problem. It's fine for less potent chems but anything very potent or with a steep dose response curve is no good. Canndo I'd be replacing it it I had the means. It was a cheapo fingers crossed kinda deal anyway. Mostly I can just do liquid dilutions.


Well-Known Member
Yea,didn't wanna get into the whole sheet thing so I kept it at 100mg..but you got the idea..with drug doses that small it pays to be precise..


Well-Known Member
100mg of 2C-E into 20g of water. I like my chances of getting that close enough to Fun.

Laying nbomes, no way.

Thats why people freak out on them and get arrested for eating reptiles. Fucking nbomes be all over the fucking place cause they let any kiddy with a $25 milligram scale lay them.


Well-Known Member
I like nbomes when done safe,although I have had one instance where I said to myself that the hit I took was a little more potent than the other ones off the same strip..fucking impatience I guess..


Well-Known Member
Thats why im glad my friend goes to school for chemistry and has access to $10,000+ scales. He makes the good nbomes and is very consistent in his doses.

Hes graduating this year though. UGH.


Well-Known Member
There is a bright future for a chemist who makes psychodelics as long as they don't start making meth. We all saw what happened to Walter White. Somehow I suspect the ending would not have been so violent if we was making say 2C-B or MDMA instead of meth.


Well-Known Member
It was his mind set that killed him, and cancer. thats why he started cookin meth because he was a time bomb waiting to die. Even if he was makin MDMA or growin like us he would have grown and killed people opposing him and grown more and bigger and faster until he was dead. From cancer or bullets.
I was waitin for the episode that he tried some meth. I hoped and hoped he would but they never wrote it in. haha.

Woulda been hilarious watchin walter cook meth at the speed of meth.


Well-Known Member
Our other friend used to when he worked at Lubrizol. He was a chemical tech or something along those lines. He would basically "spill" X amount of illicit chemicals hed need into various containers and just write it down as spillage from excess in hose lines or things like that. Made some of the best LSD ive ever had.

But hes moved up the ranks and is in a different field at a different company. But if he ever feels like getting everything for it he probably could.


Well-Known Member
Dude he had/has a goldmine if he can get ergotamine alkaloids..I woulda said the hose burst,all the alkaloid spilled,left from work and never woulda come back...not for money,just for self indulgence..lol


Well-Known Member
He would just order a bunch of HBRWs or MGs and use that. But because of that he could only do smaller syntheses than he is capable of.

If only we had a field or lab filled with ergot mold. Where would one even find that? On a "research" site?

Been wantin to do a K synth with him but hes been busy at his new job. Ive heard that theyre pretty easy and yield fairly well.

Compared to things like lsd or mdma synths. A couple people even said theyre surprised there arent more in the country K labs considering its easier and safer than meth even.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has access to large amounts of wheat will have access to pounds of ergot. No doubt there is some farmer out there wringing his hands over the loss of his crop due to an ergot infection.

Ruined!! all ruined. Ergot all over my precious wheat. Whatever will I do now.


Well-Known Member
back to topic... it is impossible to compare 2ce to any nbome. cuz they are much different. 2ce is vicious as fuck and only for the expierenced