

Well-Known Member
Hey I just came into some of this stuff and wowii! Anybody else had some experience with this? Didn't see any other posts on here about it but there is a good wikipedia description about it. It was awesome, no nausea or freakout moments just pure sweet good times and felt 100% fine after I woke up the next day. This stuff is wonderful.


Well-Known Member
it's fun, very fun. it's a designer drug. very pleasurable, very easy on the body. 2cb is a little better, trippier and "clearer" somehow.


Well-Known Member
did you make it? How did you get it? After reading the wikipedia article on it this has peaked my interest. Tell more about it.


Well-Known Member
My experience with 2ci(e?) was like a mixture of thizzin (ecstasy) and frying on acid. It only lasted 2 hours or so, I would rather just take LSA or LSD straight.


Well-Known Member
Well 2c-i is different that 2c-e. This trip goes for about 8 hours on 10mg(one capsule). I just took 20mg and wow you need to be with someone around if your going to do that. I feel like going for 30mg but am pretty sure I'll piss myself not knowing if I'm actually made out of water! ha


Active Member
I took 30mg of 2ce one and ill tell you what, best trip i ever had. I got stuck on the toilet staring at the strange pink alien-ish looking patterns popping up. I def dont recommend that high a dose unless your an expierienced tripper, and have used 2ce at least twice before hand.


Well-Known Member
My buddies and I ate some 2ci going kayaking on a river. It was the best trip I've ever had! If you felt uncomfortable just go for a swim and the feeling disappeared. The drive back was a bit rough all of us were still tripping and it was pouring rain, but we made it home safely!


Active Member
How does one come across it? Is it something the home extractor/chemist can produce or is it a club drug that only a lab can produce?
I could look it up, but since we got a thread going! As an LSD/Mescaline Fanatic I am always looking for new and exciting, positive psychedelic experiences.


Active Member
^^Yeah, I don't go to the clubs either. If it is lab made, then I doubt I'll ever come across any. Oh well, I'll just have to keep my eyes/ears open!


Well-Known Member
I've done it about 4 times in the last 3 months. Ive listened to TOOL and some Tiesto, radiohead, marley, NIN, etc on it and man it makes the music so intricate. Taped a nice underwater show with colorful fish and shit and it was amazing. Anybody else have experience with this research chemical?


Active Member
Well, actually got a hold of some 2C-E. Or supposed to be anyway LOL!
I plan to give it whirl this weekend, so we'll see how it goes!


Active Member
It is as yet unregulated according to Erowid, though they caution that it could be considered a 2C-B analog it could still be prosecuted. So basically a grey area.


Active Member
Phenethylamines can cause stomach discomfort.
And everybody is different.
Most people I know like 'Shrooms and trip really well off of them, I however always just end up feeling cold, sad and depressed and feeling way hung over. Now if I take LSD, Things are always great. But I have heard others that always have a lousy time w/ Alice. It's one of those buy the ticket, take the ride type of things.


Active Member
Well, I can see where 2C-E gets the reputation of being similar to LSD.
It was very much like a cross between LSD and Mescaline.
The trip was LSD like but I could tell that it wanted to be more visual. 10 mg was taken, 20 mg might have been better but this was the first experience and I didn't want to overdo it.
It took a long time ( almost 2 hrs ) to kick in which is a hallmark of Mescaline and just had a Mescaline feel to it and it lasted a full 12 hours but I had the least trouble coming down from this than either LSD or Mescaline. I was able to eat during and when it was over I was able to fall asleep easily.
The only drawbacks are the price, which is more expensive than Lsd and, like mescaline, the dose amount is harder to deal with. Each pill is probably as potent as 2-3 hits for me but I don't know how a second pill would have affected me, whereas w/ the Lsd I can take anywhere from 2-10 depending if I am just wanting to trip a little or if I am trying to have a breakthrough/revelatory state.
All in all, I found 2C-E to be well worth experiencing. I will probably do further assessments of this particular RC.
Now, anyone have anyone have any experience w/ 4 HO MET ? LOL!