2lbs from 400w HPS is probably possible with zero veg


Active Member
im running 4X600W with 40 Plants packed in closely, howevr i think ima spread em out, in my 5X9 area..what u think yeild?


Well-Known Member
There could be a LOT of potential in a Custom rotary setup. Bigger wheel, maybe bigger light, and the right strain.

Lately I have been working on plans for optimizing a room 10x10-12x12ft using light rails and a mix of flat and vertical growing. The basic concept would be new plants on the vert shelfs, and plants that are finishing flowering on the floor under bigger lights.

Sounds like a good plan...

Yes I thought about rotary gardens a LOT, and did give pause to the idea of an oversize wheel with a whole lot of light, but the problem with that is I only have a 4x6x6 closet I was going to build the wheel into. (Or vertical setup)

If I cram too much light in there I won't have enough money left for all the cooling I'd need with my budget the way it is now.

That would really be something though to get a 6' (nearly) x 3' wheel kicking in a little closet. That would beat anyone elses yields for sure, though overall efficiency might not work out in favor of the extra large wheel.

Stuff a 1500w PSMH in there, adjustable, if only it existed... But I guess dual 600's would do the trick too, and that I might be able to swing when some more money comes in.

I want to do something completely kick ass, but unfortunately I'm on the tightest of budgets and still owe on other stuff like my new hdtv I shouldn't have bought.


Well-Known Member
As far as adjusting, instead of trying to change anything structural, just set it up in a way that the plants will start raised up from the wheel and closer to the light. That way when they get bigger and bulk up you just lower them. I wouldnt build a round wheel either, I would make an octagon.

Man a little ingenuity and persistence can go a long way. That would be a fucking sick grow to see a wheel going in there. If you ran an octagon you would always have one side thats level with the ground, so you could work on one section at a time.

Yeah budgets can make things tough though. Its a decent sized space, if you already have any gear think about what you can get going easily. If you set up a temporary flat grow you could push out a few pounds and pay off that TV and rethink the grow with a new budget.



Well-Known Member
I thought about a belt system too, mentioned that earlier somewhere, but that turns out to be more expensive than a wheel to build because it would need so many guide wheels to keep it in shape, plus it has to be kept super tight so that the trays can't flop sideways and just have all the cola's bruising eachother on each rotation.

If I had more money to play with...

Remember I started this idea with some little cheap testing thing in mind, then the plan (and cost) just grew and grew even when just thinking about a standard 4' wheel.

One of these days...


Active Member
I have done a SOG grow with 4 plants ft/2 under a 600w hps. I used foxfarm nutes, oceanforest soil, bigbud and finalphase from AN. The strains were top44 and Jack Herer. Granted the jack was is in no way meant for sog, but i has some clones and didnt want them to go to waste. All in all i had 64 plants in a 4x4 foot room. After the clones rooted they had 1 day to adapt to the transplant before they were switched to 12/12. I yielded a little over 1lb. Even that only comes out to .75g / watt. There is no doubt in my mind that getting 2 pounds from a 400w is not propable or possible. Im not trying to put anyone down, I just go with the facts. 4 plants per ft/2 is just too many is my personal oppinion. There was way too much overlapping and plants were stretching to get more light. Next time i will switch to 1 plant per square foot. Much easier and less time consuming to care for, and plants will recieve more light making 1 huge tight ass 20ish gram cola instead of 4 fluffy stretched ass colas.


Well-Known Member
I have done a SOG grow with 4 plants ft/2 under a 600w hps. I used foxfarm nutes, oceanforest soil, bigbud and finalphase from AN. The strains were top44 and Jack Herer. Granted the jack was is in no way meant for sog, but i has some clones and didnt want them to go to waste. All in all i had 64 plants in a 4x4 foot room. After the clones rooted they had 1 day to adapt to the transplant before they were switched to 12/12. I yielded a little over 1lb. Even that only comes out to .75g / watt. There is no doubt in my mind that getting 2 pounds from a 400w is not propable or possible. Im not trying to put anyone down, I just go with the facts. 4 plants per ft/2 is just too many is my personal oppinion. There was way too much overlapping and plants were stretching to get more light. Next time i will switch to 1 plant per square foot. Much easier and less time consuming to care for, and plants will recieve more light making 1 huge tight ass 20ish gram cola instead of 4 fluffy stretched ass colas.

Did you actually read any of the thread..... or just the title?



Well-Known Member
sounds like he read it - thats exactly what OGmeds was saying he wanted to do, but use a 400w instead of 600w...

not that it surprised anyone that a 400w light could NOT make 2 lbs of bud in any reasonable time frame...

myth busted.


Active Member
I would say it depends.. how many single cola plants can you keep fed well under a 400w in about 3x3? If you can fit 32 under 4x4 and run 12/12 from seed/clone it appears an ounce a plant is common for a good indica strain.

Check out this thread on 12/12 from seed and see if it lights a fire under anyone's ass to see how many they can cram under a 400w...yes its like 90 pages long, if you have time scroll though every 5 pages or so. Take a look at atmosphere and a couple others who post grow pics and results throughout.


Plants are not large or wide, so I could see a good micro ebb/flow under 400w. I use CFl's and don't have the space...I just read alot ;-)


New Member
That may sound flippant but the cost of building is one of the problems for almost all of us i think. If you are serious and have the goods to prove it there must be someone you could work out a deal with. Maybe a set number of Oz. for a set number of months. Then the roto garden might be a reality much sooner. good luck


Well-Known Member
You can get more than 7 grams from zero veg. Ive seen an average of an ounce per plant from clone right to flower. It was in a growing video though. If i can find which one it was ill post it.


Well-Known Member
You can get more than 7 grams from zero veg. Ive seen an average of an ounce per plant from clone right to flower. It was in a growing video though. If i can find which one it was ill post it.

The idea had nothing to do with maxing bud per plant. The idea was how many small plants can you pack under a 400w light. The idea was to grow a lot of very low yielding plants.

Its definitely something to consider, if you could keep them from stretching too much. A light rail would help.

Im not saying anyone is going to get 2lbs form a 400w light. But theres only one way to find new styles of growing, and that is to just go for it and see how it turns out. Theres only so much you can learn from reading and looking at pictures.



Well-Known Member
The idea had nothing to do with maxing bud per plant. The idea was how many small plants can you pack under a 400w light. The idea was to grow a lot of very low yielding plants.

Its definitely something to consider, if you could keep them from stretching too much. A light rail would help.

Im not saying anyone is going to get 2lbs form a 400w light. But theres only one way to find new styles of growing, and that is to just go for it and see how it turns out. Theres only so much you can learn from reading and looking at pictures.


ooh wow, tahts actually pretty kool. good luck with it.