2nd Attempt,


Active Member
So my first grow turned to be a male, but fortunately I had another in vegging so im taking this one out now and germing some other seeds, which are bagseed, but I think they are earlygirl seeds.

The first plant was doomed to be a male, odd light hours, too much water, cold, and a bunch of other stuff, couldn't keep the plant in a steady environment, etc.

NOW, I have new lights, purple grow light and a cfl, both 120 watt each in a 3 x 1 grow space that's white, reflective and ventilated. I also got the humidity to about 48-51% and the temp is about 70.

I put in some backyard soil, and im using some brown sugar for nutes, only about a 5% dillute though. It's in about week 1 of flowering, but the plant is about 3-4 weeks old. Im going ghetto with this one, and my pot is a carton with some holes to drain water for flushing.

Im shooting for an organic grow, any suggestions are welcomed.


Well-Known Member
Never done it my self but i heard of graulated sugar been melted in hot water left to cool then add ,also a friend of mine grows organic and he puts apple peel into his soil mix when he puts his plants into flower.i was also reading some back issues of weed world and it says a great pest control method organic,it consists of a squeeze of lemon vegatable oil water sprayed on to effected area don't use anything during the 3 week on in flowering. I have tried the apple method myself and i swear by it now it gives a lovely taste of apples and the buds grow huge.


Well-Known Member
lmao 'im shooting for a organic grow' just to justify not dishing out on plant pots etc i like it ;)
the only suggestion i have is to love and care for your plant, make sure you dont over water, under water etc, im not good with cfl's so i dont know if your lighting is good


Active Member
Im about to transport into a bigger jug so I'll have to add apple peels to the soil, I just added a little bit of sand, topsoil, eggshells, and a bit of tea into the soil today. It's been in darkness all day, so I dunno how it's doing at this point.

And to the other poster, haha yeah, it is a way of justifying using ghetto stuff.

The CFLs are working so far, but the plant isn't even a foot yet, I'll tell you if the light is sufficient enough.

Thanks for teh tips.