2nd Deep Water Culture Grow, Plants are sickly Help me decipher whats going on!!


New Member
I will start to say I am glad i found this site!! You guys are all awesome. :hump:

I am right at 3 weeeks into my second grow. First grow went decently well and

yielded about 2 ounces. Not too bad i thought for the first time. Didn't even want

to get involved with cloning, although that is my intention this time. First grow

was "Orange Bud" and im still smoking on it, very tasty i must say. (keep in mind i started on a much smaller scale) Ok now to what im posting about. :joint:

My grow closet has been modified using a canfan carbon filter ventilating to the attic, another fan for circulation, and a 400 HPS. I monitor temperature and humidity all the time, my closet sits at right at 80 degrees all the time. This grow i planted 5 seeds all White Widow, and 4 came up. These are feminized seeds, as the last bunch all turned up females. Everything went as planned as I ran only R.O. water the first week of growth. After that I then bumped up to 500 PPM of FloraNova Grow. Next did a water change and bumped up to 800PPM, (WORKED GREAT THE FIRST TIME?)Things were still looking well. Now that I am at heights of 3-4" the bottom leaves on 3 of the 4 are looking very unhealthy and a few are almost all yellow. I know something is going wrong. A deficiency? First grow i used tap water, and things looked a lot better. I have been told its possibly a magnesium problem? I am going to attach pictures, and hopefully somebody out there can let me know whats REALLY going on. Thanks for reading!! PICS ARE ATTACHED!!



Active Member
can't quite tell but you might have chem. burn from too many nutes. 800ppm second week is right on track but maybe on the high side. try to scale back the nutes for a couple days. are you checking pH?


Well-Known Member
It looks like nute burn to me. My leafs have done the same thing on my grow when I got to aggressive with nutes. So that is my guess.


Well-Known Member
Hi Etool, if you want to know if your nute load is to high check the ppm each day before you top off your res. If it goes up from the day before, your load is too high. It should stay about the same, if it goes up it means that your plant wants less nutes.

Good luck,Unity


New Member
I do check PH and PPM on a daily basis. However my ph test is just the liquid drops. Mabe i am not getting an accurate enough of a read?

I have got two opinions now that it is nutrient burn, I am thinking thats the case.

Last night a succesfull grower from the Las Vegas area (long time friend) dropped by and we switched to General Hydroponic 3 part system (red, green and brown) nutes.

He also dropped by with some Magnesium additive for RO water. I live in the panhandle of texas and im sure you guys are unaware, but we probably have the crappiest water in the US.

Thanks for all your help so far guys! I am going to give it a week or so and I will update with new pics and whats going on.


New Member
oh, and Unity, i never thought about checking the nute load in that manner, WONDERFUL IDEA!! that makes perfect sense.


New Member
sorry still learning how to navigate the site, but I LOVE your idea. Never thought about checking nutrient load in that manner


Well-Known Member
you need a good digital ph pen you need the water to be at 5.8 ph and then you check your ppm everyday and top off as needed to keep the ppm correct and the water at the correct level.The ppm should fall daily then you flush and refil the res and make new nutes the next week.I always say sunday is my new fil day


New Member
ok i will research some on the net. Funds are low as I have invested 2 grand on a larger Ebb and flow system and outdoor building that will be implemented in a month or so.

Excited about that!

I will take your advice slappyboy and top off daily as i havent been doing that.


Well-Known Member
oh, and Unity, i never thought about checking the nute load in that manner, WONDERFUL IDEA!! that makes perfect sense.
I can't claim that, I'm a noob too ;) But that's how I do it now!
Earl is a great sorce of knowladge on these things, you can check for his posts, he also hets in to the add-back way of doing it...

My ppm still goes up a little over a 24 hour period, by about 60ppm, but it does not seem to bother my plants :mrgreen:

Good luck with your grow!!!


Active Member
Be careful of root rot, may be early onset.I would flush and add h202 to your soup.Those leaves will stiffen like a hard on after you add the h202 and will help in the health of your grow.


New Member
After switching to GH 3 Part Nutes, things are looking great!!

Many inches of growth, leaves are healing that were yellowed. I only had to cut a few off that went totally yellow.

Waiting on a good PH pen, but monitoring daily!!

I must say this White Widow is much more fragrant at this point than the Orange Bud was.:twisted:

I am going to attach some files for you guys to check out

I read all the skeptics arguments about DWC grows, wow i cant complain!!

Cheap set up, fairly easy to maintain!!:blsmoke:

Check out Temple 420. Im not religious but hey, if I "need" to be, to grow and smoke legally, i might just tithe a 100 bucks a year LOL :hump: JUST GOOGLE temple 420, pretty crazy if you ask me...


In the SAME exact dilema... Have an AeroFlo 20 and am just past the first week in the system (after propagating clones). So far have had several leaves turn completely yellow, and many others change tint or spot a little. We used nothing but purified water, and the G.H. 3 part Flora system at the recommended strength for the stage. It's either nute-burn or cal/mag deficiency... Going to add a little MagicCal (Cal-Mag) tonight and see what happens...as the PPM has remained about level.