2nd Grow. Dinafem Power Kush. Outdoors


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, ok im on my first grow still with Top 69 check it out :) But i got a freebie seed from attitude Dinafem Power Kush, i placed in moist paper towels yesterday and today a nice fat long tap root was poking through so planted in an 8 oz plastic cup in my stealth cab under a 30w cfl.

I do plan to plant outside soon as my cab would be too small to do 2 plants at once, i just want her to get a lil stronger before moving too the outdoors.

Any advice?

day planted.JPGday planted.1.JPG


Well-Known Member
Glad u decided to do that kush :D
You can keep it in the cab for a week and then keep it in sunlight and under cfls in night, so it can get used to sun, because if you expose it to sun all at once, i can get stressed.
I am doing it for a few days. I keep them on my windowsill as long as there is sun, at night - under cfls.


Well-Known Member
Sadly not even any signs of cotyledons yet :/ the seed has popped through the ground though just not opened yet.