2nd Grow/Early Misty/No Plan

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
So my first grow, Northern Lights, was an experiment to see if I could do it. I did it baby. I DID IT, MWAHAHAHA!!!! It was a boy.

...THIS time, it's for real.

I tried germinating 10 Early Misty seeds. Soaked in a glass for about 14 hours til' they sank to the bottom. Then I put them in a little cotton swab thingy to soak for another 8 hours. BOOYAAAAH! Roots! 7 out of 10. The other 3 are still in the cotton. These 7 are on their way to victory.

I have them under a T5. Two bulbs. Each a 24'', 24 watt, 6500K. Using Fox Farm "Ocean Forrest" potting soil. I LOVE FOX FARM! I've planted them in 20oz. 711 Big Gulp cups. Exactly the same. I like a clean operation.

Here are some pics to start off. The metal thing in the front and center cup is my Thermometer/hygrometer. Right now, it's at 74 degrees and 28 percent humidity. Not really paying much attention to that considering that room temp and humidity did my last grow just fine. At least from the start.

As for having no plan... These are getting started on my computer desk. There's not much vertical space. There's not much vertical space anywhere in my 1-bedroom apartment. At least not enough to fit a 400 watt HPS 18 inches or more above a canopy of plants that are already in pots and flowering, and to keep my wife happy. I'm sure I'll think of something. Suggestions are more than welcome.


Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
It's day 4.

I just took a the heating pad I use on my back and set it under the seedlings. It has 3 different settings. It's on low. My apartment gets down to 60 degrees in the morning so I had to do something about that. However, the young ones seem to be "on the up and up".


Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
I've put the seedlings on an 18/6 Schedule and I don't use the heating pad anymore. I found the bottoms were getting too warm for my liking.

Everything's going great so far. The only problem I'm having is getting my pictures to just show up on the page instead of being thumbnails you have to click on. I don't like that. Anyone?


Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
They're flyin' now! Just got a hold of a T12 fixture. I think once I figure out which ones are the girls, I'm gonna make some room in my closet. I also have 2 of those clamp lights I can throw bulbs in.

I have a 400 watt HPS, but that thing uses up a lot of juice and produces a LOT of heat. I'm not even gonna be putting up Visqueen Plastic for these girls. Bare essentials man. bongsmilie

We'll see what we can get with a CFL's and a house fan. So far so good!! Peace out muthafukaz.


Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
I got a little bored today. This is bad for a grower. Well, it could be good if you discover something amazing in the process.

Anyways, I realized that the cups were feeling a little light.

My usual watering routine has just been to mist the top of the dirt to keep the surface moist whenever it dries up. But, since I noticed how light the cups were today, I decided to actually add water by pouring it into the cup rather than misting.

Then I noticed that the leaves were just a little yellow. Seems like there is a little Nitrogen deficiency. Not much, but it's there. I can see it. Probably normal.

Well, instead of just pouring water in there (I don't know the ph level of the water. It's out of the tap and sits for 24 hours so the chlorine can evaporate before I use it.) ....I decided to add a little (1 teaspoon) Fox Farm - Grow Big to the water. I don't know if it's too early to do this but fuck it. We shall see, no?

I poured, and then I misted the leaves for a little foliar feeding. Hopefully, tomorrow they'll be mutated and eating my computer desk out from under them.

Could you imagine? You wake up in the morning and your plants are eating everything in your apartment. Those would be some "killer" buds bro!!!! Hahahahahahaa!!



Well-Known Member
pullin up a chair.

cant wait to see how tall the misty gets i have a small grow box so im trying to find good strands that stay really short.

good luck lookin good sofar


Well-Known Member
Also pulling up a chair nice going so far, and careful with that early foliar feeding can be deadly for the babies.
I did notice somethings not mentioned in your setup:
Are you prepared to deal with the odor?
I would buy a Grow tent off Ebay or one of the popular sites like www.htgsupply.com they rule all. I say that because I wish I ad either built one or bought one, and still plan to down the road, I just wish I had spent my cash differently. hindsight 20/20

I'm growing in a 8x2 Closet myself, using a 400w HPS. I cool it with an AC unit a lot of budget growers do :)

Alternately, you could invest in building yourself a cool tube I hear they work wonders, I plan to buy a cool tube and 1000w HPS for my next grow. I'm going to grow my last 9 feminized Purple Wrecks soon as I get that bad boy!

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member

Ah, the odor issue. I just started taking the tent or box into consideration. I know I have to figure something out soon. Thanx for that site asher. I'm debating on going with one of those tents, or like a rubbermaid storage thing where I would have to drill all the holes myself. It's cheaper than the tent. We'll see.

Thanks for writing guys. I'm stoked your here! Let's grow some weed.bongsmilie


Active Member
hey I'm super new to growing and just trying to decide what type of lighting to go with....cfl seems like the best for my budget and i was just wondering if you felt like you yield a pretty decent amount of bud using your setup? any help would be awesome

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
All I can say is to stay with my grow. First time with CFL's but I think that with enough light, you can get a pretty decent amount. My T5 you see in the pictures works like a charm on these babies, but once they start getting bigger I'm gonna definitely throw more light at them. You also have to remember that it's not just about the light, and although a good light source is key, so are all the other variables. Water, temp, humidity, CO2, ventilation, Nutrients.

I'm doing it because it's so cheap. I have a 400watt HPS I'm going to sell because I don't want to use that much juice. However, the HPS will give you monster buds. And I don't even know the difference in electric bills but I'm just gonna go cfl anyways. I'm new to it and I feel that cfl is a great way to learn. My first grow was under the sun. That was the BOMB. It grew fast and strong.


Active Member
thanks for the words of wisdom man, looks like you know what you're doin with your herb....I'll probably set out sometime in the coming month for a good cfl setup. Do you mind my asking where you came across yours? I'm for sure gonna follow this grow to see how it turns out for ya

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
The actual light is on loan from a buddy. My other lights I'll be adding soon from "Home Depot". The cups are from 711 and everything else from my local Hydro shop.

I've done a lot of reading. rollitup is the shit as far as team effort. You can find a lot of help on here. Never been a blogger before but the response you get is priceless.

Books are awesome but they can't read back. You put your specific needs up here and someone can and WILL help. Love this shit. Anyway, nice to meet you. Get your shit going so I can watch!


Active Member
hahah i cant wait to get started, but unfortunately i gotta wait till my buddy and i move out on our own...first week of jan though so it's not too far. right now we're just deciding which technique we want to use to grow with and what strains to go for...your plants are lookin mighty healthy though man

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
I've ordered the "Homebox XS" which should be arriving in a couple of days. I was getting a little worried about where I was gonna store this puppies but I think I've got it under control. The only thing I still have to figure out is how to control the odor. I'm planning on doing the home made carbon filter. Anyone have experience with these?? I would love to hear about it.

So Day 23... I've been giving them "Grow Big" by Fox Farm, but they still seem to have some Nitrogen deficiency. They are growing strong and healthy though so I guess I don't have TOO much to worry about. I've been pouring water into the cups just about once a day. I go 1 on and 1 off with the nutrients. Lookin' good so far. Can't wait for that tent.


Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
Holy SHIT! Anyone notice a difference between my last pic post and day 28??? I think this happened in the last 5 days. They're monsters!!!! They're growing so fast. The grow tent is expected to arrive tomorrow so that aspect is covered. I just can't believe the rate of growth. I haven't been using too much Fox Farm either. I've been eyeballing it too. I don't follow the recommended schedule. I've just kind of listened to my plants. This is AWESOME!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Wow looking really good man. Are you planning on using that light for the whole grow? or what are you planning on doing..?

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of the family ....the rock ....the foundation .....the new home of my babies......


This thing is the SHIT! Check out the pics. Easy set up, everything fit. I feel really good about this. All I need now is a high pressure sodium light, stat. I gotta get these suckers out from under a flourescent, and into the warm glow. I'm picking up a 150watt HPS in the next couple of days. They're cheap so I'm thinking I might get 2 and make it 300watts. Any suggestions?? Will 150watts do it? Hopefully I end up with at least 1 female out of 6.

