2nd grow, improved! Himalyan blue diesel and Russian rocket fuel


Active Member
so can you explain why hairs are appearing on my russian rocket fuel? i'm guessing that is flowering...aha that backfired


Male plant, why cant we smoke male weeds, is there any harm from it, Your plants looks healthier,
Keep growing...
Waiting for your next pics..


IMAG0724.jpgIMAG0723.jpgIMAG0730.jpgIMAG0773.jpgIMAG0725.jpgIMAG0762.jpgI have an HBD that is 49" tall and will likely pull nearly 4 oz's( the diesel traits coming through) ...one that is definitely showing blue traits small frosty bluish nugs...barely gonna pull an oz and all the rest are uniform gonna get an oz and 1/2 to 2 oz's, I have onyx one has the diesel characteristics one the white traits and 2 that are a wired smell ..the lemony spicy sorta with similar but different cola's...the 1st 2 and last 2 are the HBD's the last one doesnt do it any justice but it is the 4 footer the top is thick and dense and is about the size of a 20 oz bottle, next to the last is my frosty blue one...the first 2 are the norm guess..theses are just the centrals there are probably 4 or 5 on all the shorter one but that last one has like 8 or so almost the same size...the 2 Onyx are freaking unbelievable they literally have 15 or more tops the same or bigger than the central and they are all roughly the size of my hand. one is spear like the other gooey clusters.. let me know what ya think I am on day 58 ...just started to flush with just plain water

If you have the space..about a 3x3 for each then I recommend the onyx to EVERYONE!!! it is an awesome producer IMO i am easily gonna double what the breeder reps is the max...they are sorta loose compared to the hbd but I believe this last 2 weeks will plump them a bit.:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::weed::weed::leaf::leaf:

Sorry but one little edit here..the last one is actually a different angle on the diesel dominant Onyx sorry...i will get some pics of the my massive hbd if yall are interested


DUDE, please, upload those pics! got some at day 32 right now, 20" and growing an inch or two a day...
Mine finished at day 70 my average was about 25gm had one that was 49" tall and I pulled 57 grms off it but the 3 that it shadowed only pulled 25 grams combined..so... give them space.


Active Member
okay people, before i made a newbie mistakee now ive got a russian rocket fuel at day 15 which is female!
my hbd has abit of stunted growth because as i was cleaning my grow box my cat decided to attack the plant but its recovering
IMG20110415_001.jpgIMG20110415_002.jpg RRF- day 15 not sure if can see the 2 hairs

IMG20110415_003.jpg bruised and recovering hbd day 11