2nd GROW!!!


Well-Known Member
Should I be watering 24/7 still? I do have alternating nodes lots. When should I go to 12/12 lighting and how should i do it? thanks


Well-Known Member
If 24/7 is working, don't change a thing. I have my water farm buckets @ 24/7 also. That bitch is looking good and ready to flower anytime. During the 'lights out' period there should be complete darkness, not even a sliver of light coming through. Choose a lighting schedule that works best for you, I have my light come on at 11 AM and off at 11 PM. Once you have the space sealed off it will probably get pretty humid in there during lights out( depends on where you live), my flower chamber got to 83% humidity so I leave my exaust fan on 24/7. During lights out the plants are getting their rest, I have my fans turn off at lights out and have them on a timer to come on a few times for 15 min just to circulate the air. I just started flowering my plants, check out my journal if you like......


Well-Known Member
Alrighty Heres an update.....

This is week 5 of growing and I am still on the 18/6 light cycle.
She (I hope) is about 17 inches tall and about 27 inches wide.
She has many alternating nodes and tons of new growth.
Not sure when I should go into flowering.
She is not taking very much nutes, I tried to go to 850 from around 780 and started to see some nutes burn so I flushed with ro water and went back down to 780.
Shes drinking about 3 qts a day.
I have my nutes measured out in individual ro gallons and ph is at 5.8.
Each gallon is marked what the ppm is.

I am also putting frozen pop bottels in the res to keep it cooler around 68

Thanks for all the comments and help guys keep up the good work



Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong. There is no set # to start flowering, mine were at 800 ppm then I started the "transition" dose which put them at 1000ppm. Now during the "bloom" dose, the ppm is 1400.


Well-Known Member
do they grow way more once flowering how do i transition she leave it off more at night start the light at noon and change the res couple days later or something


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will get twice as big if not bigger, but hey look at all that room ya got! As far as what time of day is up to you, as far as transition, I'm not sure, I had mine vegging during transition. I would give about a week during transition. She is looking great! What's the strain again?


Well-Known Member
Well i have new girls i want to get started so my lighting us turn of at 6 am and off at 12....thats 16 hours................im starting her to flower i am just giving her more dark and now the light is gonna turn on at 11 am and go off at 11pm. Im gonna change the nutes today im using flora series ( MICRO, GROW, Bloom) can anyone help with how much of what to each gallon....and what else i should do in the transit


Well-Known Member
Thats what i did 10 of each but i kinda put so more ro water to the res to get the ppm to around 950.....shes ( AND YES I MEAN SHE ) im so happy its day two of flowering 12/12.....I heard i might need a different light for flowering the MH i have a hps......whats the difference