2nd RIU LED Grow-Off Registration Thread


Well-Known Member
What's up LED Heads? This is the Registration thread for the 2nd Ever RIU LED Competition. For those of you who missed out on the first competition earlier this year, you can read all about it here: LED Party Cup Competition Official

I figured since I won the first competition, I'd host the second and won't participate in it so we don't get a repeat winner back-to-back ;-)

Since this is a community based FRIENDLY competition, I figured we could all chime in about the rules, start dates, prizes, etc. so we can use this thread for that discussion as well.

So if you want to enter, just make a reply to the thread with your Name and say something like "sign me up!" And I'll make an ongoing list and update it every time I see a new name requesting registration posted here. Then when the time comes, I'll create the official thread where weekly posts will be made. Pretty much running this exactly the same way Endur0xX ran the last one since I thought it went well. Only changes that might be made are what will come out of the open discussion here about rules and that kind of stuff.

Here's what I was thinking for this one:

Party cups (16oz) again or bigger (32oz, 2L, 1g, etc?)
LED lights only
Participants vote on winner or panel of judges?
Prize of either LED light (would be of my choosing...or with the help of a sponsor whatever we can work out..Any light companies out there watching that feels like working with me on a prize let me know!!) or something else like maybe seeds or a prepaid visa. Let me know what you guys think?
Start from seed only.
12/12 the entire time = No Veg time? Can't remember what we did last time?
Start 5 seeds, keep only 1 by the time sex shows.
Registration from today 11/24 to 12/25 christmas. Then that would give us enough time to finalize all the names entered and create a new thread.
Seeds start germinating 12/31 or 1/1
weekly updates mandatory or you're out

I'm sure there's some other things I'm forgetting right now so give me some input guys!

Now let the Registration begin! Have fun!


Well-Known Member
What's up LED Heads? This is the Registration thread for the 2nd Ever RIU LED Competition. For those of you who missed out on the first competition earlier this year, you can read all about it here: LED Party Cup Competition Official

I figured since I won the first competition, I'd host the second and won't participate in it so we don't get a repeat winner back-to-back ;-)

Since this is a community based FRIENDLY competition, I figured we could all chime in about the rules, start dates, prizes, etc. so we can use this thread for that discussion as well.

So if you want to enter, just make a reply to the thread with your Name and say something like "sign me up!" And I'll make an ongoing list and update it every time I see a new name requesting registration posted here. Then when the time comes, I'll create the official thread where weekly posts will be made. Pretty much running this exactly the same way Endur0xX ran the last one since I thought it went well. Only changes that might be made are what will come out of the open discussion here about rules and that kind of stuff.

Here's what I was thinking for this one:

Party cups (16oz) again or bigger (32oz, 2L, 1g, etc?)
Participants vote on winner or panel of judges?
Prize of either LED light (would be of my choosing...or with the help of a sponsor whatever we can work out..Any light companies out there watching that feels like working with me on a prize let me know!!) or something else like maybe seeds or a prepaid visa. Let me know what you guys think?
Start from seed only.
12/12 the entire time = No Veg time? Can't remember what we did last time?
Start 5 seeds, keep only 1 by the time sex shows.
Registration from today 11/24 to 12/25 christmas. Then that would give us enough time to finalize all the names entered and create a new thread.
Seeds start germinating 12/31 or 1/1
weekly updates mandatory or you're out

I'm sure there's some other things I'm forgetting right now so give me some input guys!

Now let the Registration begin! Have fun!
Im in! But i only have 1 seedling :(


Well-Known Member
So 12/12 from seed, will there be a time limit? Autos compared to lanky sativa big diff in grow time.


Well-Known Member
Im in! But i only have 1 seedling :(
1. ironcross360

Hopefully the one seed is female and germs. But you still have til the end of the year to get a hold of a few more. Consider yourself registered. Good luck!

This sounds interesting, sign me up please..
1. ironcross360
2. sgt john

Welcome sgt john. Hope you have fun.

So 12/12 from seed, will there be a time limit? Autos compared to lanky sativa big diff in grow time.
We didn't have a time limit last time and it worked out fine, some waited longer than others but it was still fun to see the weekly updates even though you may have already finished. but whatever most of the participants would prefer, would be what we go with.


Well-Known Member
Hey Puff, hope you're doin OK. So since I missed out on the last one, got some Critical Mass seeds sitting in my fridge, and a nice new shiny panel, I'm in.
I vote for 1 plant, 16 oz cups, do 12/12 from seed, start 12/31(I'm flexible on this), have voting (Puff gets a vote of course and referees), and all the time the plants need. Basically the same rules as the last competition. Gotta have some traditions around here :).


Well-Known Member
Let me see if I can find them old bagseeds... My LED parts are in the mail (from China) though I already do possess an LED panel. Any rules against switching LED panels? (In my case for LESS wattage...) Cheers and good luck MI IDREN!


Well-Known Member
Count me as signed up. I wanted to be in the last one, but I was way too busy. Time to sort through my seed chest!


Well-Known Member
I am not sure that I will be around until the end (or not around enough to keep a partycup plant healthy) But I got a few AgentChemo that I am wanting to try :eyesmoke:

sign me up


Well-Known Member
Hey Puff, hope you're doin OK. So since I missed out on the last one, got some Critical Mass seeds sitting in my fridge, and a nice new shiny panel, I'm in.
I vote for 1 plant, 16 oz cups, do 12/12 from seed, start 12/31(I'm flexible on this), have voting (Puff gets a vote of course and referees), and all the time the plants need. Basically the same rules as the last competition. Gotta have some traditions around here :).
I couldn't have said it better myself, some traditions just need to be kept.

1. ironcross360
2. sgt john
3. FranJan

Let me see if I can find them old bagseeds... My LED parts are in the mail (from China) though I already do possess an LED panel. Any rules against switching LED panels? (In my case for LESS wattage...) Cheers and good luck MI IDREN!
No rules on switching between LED panels, just as long as they are 100% LED grown. Let me know if you can get some seeds, I'll hold off signing you up until you give me the word.

Sounds interesting. I'm in.
You got it.

1. ironcross360
2. sgt john
3. FranJan
4. zippywalnut

I'm in, lets see if I improve on last time :bigjoint:
Ah our first returning participant. Good luck!

1. ironcross360
2. sgt john
3. FranJan
4. zippywalnut
5. unkmown9

Count me as signed up. I wanted to be in the last one, but I was way too busy. Time to sort through my seed chest!
ILP is in too.

1. ironcross360
2. sgt john
3. FranJan
4. zippywalnut
5. unknown9
6. ILovePLants

I am not sure that I will be around until the end (or not around enough to keep a partycup plant healthy) But I got a few AgentChemo that I am wanting to try :eyesmoke:

sign me up
Hopefully it will go smooth for you.

1. ironcross360
2. sgt john
3. FranJan
4. zippywalnut
5. unknown9
6. ILovePlants
7. Endur0xX

I think that's everyone so far. Let me know if I missed anyone. The list is adding up fast, happy to see there is some interest in this!


Active Member
I tried posting yesterday but for some reason it didn't work.

Well, I didn't have my lights ready on time on the last competition but I'd love to be in this one! Hopefully everything will be ok by January.
One thought, though: Lots of people should be traveling around new year's eve, maybe the germination start date is a little bit early? Something around jan 7th or 10th would be better IMHO.
I will probably be out of town, so... can I join with a week of delay?

One question: Can the chosen plant share a box with other plants or does it need to have an isolated environment?


Well-Known Member
I tried posting yesterday but for some reason it didn't work.

Well, I didn't have my lights ready on time on the last competition but I'd love to be in this one! Hopefully everything will be ok by January.
One thought, though: Lots of people should be traveling around new year's eve, maybe the germination start date is a little bit early? Something around jan 7th or 10th would be better IMHO.
I will probably be out of town, so... can I join with a week of delay?

One question: Can the chosen plant share a box with other plants or does it need to have an isolated environment?
Excellent point on the germ date. Hadn't put much thought into people travelling then. I'm down for whatever, we can push it back if everyone agrees. I just picked the start of the new year to make it easy for date tracking, but like I said, whatever you guys prefer...

Doesn't need to be in it's own tent, can be with the rest of your plants. Check out Endur0's cup in the last competition, he rigged up a pully to get his cup above his canopy and closer to the light.

1. ironcross360
2. sgt john
3. FranJan
4. zippywalnut
5. unknown9
6. ILovePlants
7. Endur0xX
8. Dnl.svrr


Well-Known Member
Im down but I can't take out my plasma. If I'm allowed I can make space with my gsc. Let me know if I can join.

Wont be mad if I can't, but I will be a little sad, kinda like that kid that always sits in the sidelines, watching everyone have fun......:cry: