2x600 Watt B.C. Blueberry, Northern lights, and Mango. Comments Welcome


Active Member
thanks for the kind words and the link.....haven't seen that one before.013.jpg just a pic of what i've been smoking lately. what's around. its "juicy fruit". unsure of the origin though. its a pretty nice change because im pretty sure what i've been smoking is likely pure indica, and this stuff seems to have sativa in it...really powerful high :)


Active Member
thanks for the kind words and the link.....haven't seen that one before.View attachment 1032160 just a pic of what i've been smoking lately. what's around. its "juicy fruit". unsure of the origin though. its a pretty nice change because im pretty sure what i've been smoking is likely pure indica, and this stuff seems to have sativa in it...really powerful high :)
Radical! That nug looks mighty tasty :P . You have 2 600w HPS lights in your grow room? I got only 1 600w HPS in my flowering tent and it's not really running as hot as I initially imagined. I have two fans pointed toward it and a exhaust and intake fan about 6in away and they all seem to be doing a great job of keeping the temps down to around 80 to 85 degrees F. I'll be posting some pics sometime this week of the flowering room. I got a White Widow and Blackberry in veg right now. They are going to be my mother plants both are from Femmed Seed. Hopefully my plants will turn out as pretty as your are looking now. (fingers crossed)

Peace and positive energy to you



Active Member
im really interested in these fem seeds.....i plan on cloning a few from the blueberry, and the northern lights females i got now...to keep up with those purps seeds i have starting.

i don't mind keeping mothers for cloning (hope it works for me) but i really don't ever wanna fuck with regular seeds again. i did so much work just to get what i have female wise overall right now.


Active Member

pic 1 and 2....see how the tips of the leaves are curling over? i've read up on this and seems it might be too much N......this is a possibility...but my original problem was a Nitrogen deficiency....this has been going on pretty much since i started nutes. Just wondering if I should up the nutes or not to 1/2 strength next feeding.....reading

last pic....my favorite plant. blueberry, nice and short, doing absolutely perfect.


Active Member
Radical! That nug looks mighty tasty :P . You have 2 600w HPS lights in your grow room? I got only 1 600w HPS in my flowering tent and it's not really running as hot as I initially imagined. I have two fans pointed toward it and a exhaust and intake fan about 6in away and they all seem to be doing a great job of keeping the temps down to around 80 to 85 degrees F. I'll be posting some pics sometime this week of the flowering room. I got a White Widow and Blackberry in veg right now. They are going to be my mother plants both are from Femmed Seed. Hopefully my plants will turn out as pretty as your are looking now. (fingers crossed)

Peace and positive energy to you

actually just 1 x 600. I was going to buy 2, but ended up just buying 1. but with no air conditinoing, and the heat we've been getting lately its really hot!


Active Member
actually just 1 x 600. I was going to buy 2, but ended up just buying 1. but with no air conditinoing, and the heat we've been getting lately its really hot!

I am having a heat issue as well... its get to about 88F when the 600w is on. I tried it without the air cooled hood just a wing reflector. That was a huge mistake.....temps soared up beyond 100F. No joke....I'm starting to think the 600w is too much for this size of tent. I am disappoint. :( Might have to downgrade to a 400w HPS instead. :( :(


Active Member

DAY 19 FLOWER Blueberry and Northern Lights
DAY 14 VEG (since germination) Purps

Have been watering the purps seedlings and the two mother plants periodicly with ph'd water, no nutes. Next feeding, mothers will get 1/2 strengh veg nutes.

Dumped 8 gallons of water till runoff, with 1/2 strength nutes. 8ml/Gallon Boost, and 8ml/Gallon Bloom. Hoping the plants will take the 1/2 strengh nutes well.

There is no evidence of nute burn, just the weird "claw" like effect on some fan leaves as shown in my last pics (haven't figured that out). The plants look great, buds are blowing up!

The northern lights plants continue to branch and produce more bud sites, while the Blueberry seem to just want to stay short, and produce a large compact main cola. I'm gonig to be really interested to see what differences in yield the two strains give me. I much prefer the compact Blueberry plants, especially for future SOG setup.

Lots of crystals forming now. Smell is a little more intense, but not horribly bad.

Still need to set up the mothers properly as they are not doing so well (not growing). Cant wait to properly set all this up after this crop with the proper tent, scrubber, inline fan, etc. Landlord just told me im good to move to a larger 2 bedroom unit in the next 2 months, so will be looking to set up a little more professional this time. Certainly learning alot this time around, and figuring out all the basics. You can only get better through trial and error right?

Just for my own reference,

8ml/gallon boost and bloom = 1/2 strength nutes
40 drops/gallon of ph down at 17% = 6.5 ph (after nutes added).
8 gallons over 13 plants = 2.46 litres per plant.

Anyone have suggestions or comments?


Active Member
Couple days later and the plants are responding real well to that last feeding!

Crazy thing is, the northern lights plants are double the size of the blueberries!

Crystals are forming really fast. This is getting exciting!


Active Member


I've been lazy, and haven't watered the plants for 9 days. I gave them another 1/2 strengh nutrient feeding, and they took almost 12 gallons before they showed run-off. I feel bad, because the plants were so dry that I could pick up the pots and feel almost zero weight. Gotta stop slacking.

The purps are doing great (pics didn't upload this time). But they are getting watering with water at 6.5ph. No nutrients at all yet.

Northern Lights are TALL PLANTS!. That's why I have all of them bent over, so that the cola's can see light. Blueberry plants are gorgeous. The plant beside my hand is my favorite BB

The crystals are forming like crazy, and the plants are smelling a little more (but not nearly as bad as expected).

Another month or so, and I'll be harvesting. Can't wait!


Active Member
What's even cooler is that those buds you see , they are going to put on more weight in the next few weeks and its going to look like a mini christmas tree forest in that tent! When the plants are in late flower is my favorite time as a grower! Nice work so far. Can't wait for some serious bud porn.

Peace and positive energy to you



Active Member

It just keeps growing and growing....the flowering plants are responding to the feeding reak well......but nothern lights are strethching like a motherfucker....so i bent em all over.

Check the first pic, 5th and 6th for my ghetto setup with "purps" seeds which all 8 plants are doing amazing. thinking of feeding next time round.

I picked up some 2 way light bulb holder thingies...and played around making a 5 way cfl setup. i actually left it on for 5 hours and it didn't overheat. I'm thinking of doing that on a bigger scale. maybe a few like that for seedlings.

Those purps are doing amazingly well for being under (get this)....one single 40 watt crap T12. wow....I can't believe they are doing so well..

Everything is going as planned. Just pissed that the NL plants are so huge compared to BB.


Active Member
31 Days Flowering Nothern Lights and Blueberry

26 Days Vegging Purps

Damn NL are stretched to the max so I bent a few of them over big time to expose the buds to the light..

BB are doing amazing...very small plant. Just one big cola...

Purps seeds are doing amazing. 8 little plants doing better than expected under the one single 40 watt loser t12 hahahaha (you obviously don't need much)

About to feed all flowering plants just water, no nutes....thinking about giving the purps plants their first veg feeding at 1/4 strength next time around.

Very happy overall.


Active Member
and hahahahah pic 6....that's my expirement to see how many cfl's i can run off a single outlet.....those 5 ran for 2 hours without heating up....i think im onto something here (for seedlings/clones in early development)..


Active Member
Wow! I was wasted last night on a half a case of beer and smoking juicy fruit....seeing my above 3 posts makes me realise what it must be like to be around me after i've been drinking way too much...I think I tell the same story like 3 times! Hahhaha alcohol is a hell of a drug.


Well-Known Member
hey just say no,
I was curious to know how "chill" your apartment operation is. Do you ever get a routine maintanence inspections? Or does your landlord ever try to just come check in and make sure you haven't destroyed the place? I'm curious because soon I will be moving into an apt. and plan on getting a 2br and turning one of the bedrooms into a grow space. I will either do it in the closet or just use the whole room but regardless I will be putting a deadbolt on the door for sure. Just thought I'd ask because I came across another thread that where someone was interested in growing in an apt. and wanted any information the forum could lend and most of the info said to not grow in an apt. because of routine maintanence such as bug bombers, changing filters, checking for water leaks, and inspecting electrical shit for fire hazard reasons. Are you renting from a big complex tied to a corporation or large company of some sort, or a single owner who owns a building and rents it? Any info would be much appreciated, and i appologize for taking over your thread momentarily.


Active Member
I wouldn't suggest it either. I specifically chose this place, because I pay my own electricity in my name, therefore the landlord wouldn't see large bills....also I recently moved into this city, and don't have friends here, so no people over. I don't tell anyone about the grow whatsoever, hence why I love to hear feedback through this site.

I made sure that any issues with the apartment were dealt with just after I moved in, and had the landlord fix those issues. This is a privately owned apartment building, and doesn't have any central air or heating, so no smell transfer. Every unit is sealed from one another.

My only suggestion is that you find a place where you can vent your heat somewhere, because just having this one 600watt in the bedroom means that I have to open the door when the light turns on, and close the door when the light turns off (to keep it dark)....otherwise it would definately overheat.

I am waiting to be moved to the top floor 2 bedroom, so I can dedicate one bedroom to growing, using tents (so no mold damage from humidity), and run vented hoods, and an inline fan, so I can direct the heat out the bedroom window (stealthly).

Growing in your own house would be ideal. But as long as you are quiet about it, and don't draw attention to yourself (im the quietest person in the bulding)....and you're nice to your neighbours, and are generally not stupid about anything, then it will work. But yeah you would definately be taking a big chance as I am.

Good luck!


Active Member

40 DAYS FLOWERING (northern lights and blueberry)
35 DAYS VEG (purps and mothers)

Well, I've been slacking big time and neglecting the plants. Thankfully though they are all looking fine (except purps and mothers who really needed a light upgrade)

Dumped 8 gallons water with 1/2 strength nutes (8ml/gallon boost and bloom) over the flowering plants. The NL took more water as they are larger plants than the BB

Watered the purps and mothers with 1/4 strength nutes (2ml/gallon grow, 4ml/gallon boost). This is the first feeding the purps are getting, and i think i should have done it sooner, as the lower leaves were dying off and turning yellow, also the stalks of the plants were going purple....I knew this from vegging the nl and bb, but like i said, i've been slacking.

So, I am now using my 6x23 watt cfl setup on the vegging plants and mothers. I'm sure they will come back.

The Blueberry plants are producing big cola's and that's about it. Really tight and compact. The hairs are now about 15 or 20% red now. Northern Lights hairs are all still white. The NL plants are producing much more fluffy buds. There is a little more branching happening on the NL but its very minimal. I really thought both these strains would be short, bushy plants but that's not the case.

I'm planning on cloning those poor neglected mother plants sometime soon, but after this neglection, they are not ready for it yet. Plus I've never cloned before so I think the plants should be in tip top condition.

Anyways, that's my story for tonight. Peace


Active Member

47 DAYS FLOWERING (nl and bb)
42 DAYS VEG (purps and mothers)

Well, once again I've slacked and waited a week to water again. This time just ph'd water for all.

The bb plants (6) are showing about 50% red hairs now. So exciting! Need to get a magnifying glass to check crystal development. bcseedking says 8 weeks to maturity so we're almost there! 9 days to be exact.

The nl plants (7) are really filling in nicely, all hairs are still white, and this strain is supposed to take 8-10 weeks, and they way they look i'd say another 2-3 weeks for sure.

One of the purps plants has somehow topped itself....see last pic. I didn't think I wanted to mess with the plants with over pruning, topping, lst, all that stuff....but now that I've learned from this grow, and ended up with plants too tall and not bushy enough, I think I'm going to top all these purps and try and make 2 colas on each.

So I'm going to try and get around to caring for these plants better. I am guessing that I shouldn't give the bb plants any more nutes. (2 weeks without before harvest right?)

Not bad for a 1st (real try) at growing I'm thinking.

I'd really love some feedback from anyone with any suggestions (if you are experienced).