3" tall and flowering. LMAO


Well-Known Member
So i checked in on my tent at lights on as i always do and noticed my little shaman has started throwing out hairs, but is only 3 inches tall.
Shes in an almost 2 liter pot (just transferred her a couple days ago) and so this begs the question; Should i re-veg her?
I feel a good re-veg will do her some good but Shaman' are known to be light sensitive and can hermie literally over night. I've been down that road with them before.
So, if i leave her be she may only end up being maybe what 9" tall, possibly 10 ish?
I know my White Widow triploid needs some vegging so i could put them in a lit environment for a week or so... Hmm... What to do, What to dooo.... curiouser and curiouser indeed

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I intend to do a re-veg at the end of their lives (shaman and my triploid ww). Maybe i should just do that in case of hermie issues?
I've never had a 12/12 from seed show hairs at this height so I'm a little puzzled. LOL bongsmilie

I should also mention that i'll be going back to work next week some time so i wont be able to watch them since i work a few hours from home and will be living in a hotel for a week at a time and then home a few days and repeat...

She is only 2 1/2 weeks old as well...
Suggestions please?


Well-Known Member
if its flowering on 12 and 12 I'm pretty sure it got the auto gene.. if you can try 14 and ten and see if it makes a dif? I do believe if you leave it as is it will continue to flower tho so better try something unless ya want .8 lol


Well-Known Member
Lol. No I did 12/12 from seed. I had two males and one femal all in hydro so I figured I'd fill the space with a few 12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
Well I decided I'm going to re-veg so I'm cleaning out my cabinet in my garage. Hasn't been used for a few grows and will hold the warmth in when the sun goes down. Last nigjt was 49 degrees but was 98 in the day. Same thing today but wont be as cool in the night...

That'd be cool if it were an auto gene but I'm not so sure on that. I think a week veg will do ok or at least until I leave for work next week.


Sector 5 Moderator
On my first autoflower run I fucked up and transplanted them from party cups with potting soil into hydro. It was at that time that I discovered how unforgiving autos are of stressing them. You stress them, they stop growing - period. One of them was about 3" high all the way through flower. I got enough bud off her for one good bowl, LOL.