3 weeks and 2 days old, opinions?


Well-Known Member
so these have been vegging for a while now do you think they are ready to flower now? And if so what do you think the possible yield is per plant? Is at least a oz per plant do-able with this size plant? I believe the main stem in some of these plants are about 6-7inches long, pretty thick, and one of the plants I counted 8 "bud sites", or what I believe to be bud sites, im not sure. I gave them a really small dose of fox farm big grow and they seemed to love it so I gave them a full dose with the next watering and they are loving it. Next watering will just be plain water.

Also, if I do start flowering in the next week or so, when should I apply fox farm big bud? starting next nute phase? any help appreciated! :-D

oh yeah, they had a small nitrogen deficiency about 4-5 days ago, so the nutes really cut that shit out quick, they love em. There were other yellow leaves at the bottom of the other plants but I decided to cut them off, none of the new growth was ever affected after the nutes were added.

you can see a pic of the LST ive been doing the one plant is completely horizontal, lots of bud sites, hope they turn out big, they are only about 2 inch long stems with bud sites on top... :-D


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Well-Known Member
you can flower now but id wait till there at least a foot tall...use the big bud nutes from the start of flowering till about two weaks till harvest then just plain water and sweetener like sugar or molasis....good luck


Well-Known Member
can I start using the molasses now?? what like 1 TB per gallon? would you even take a STAB at yield?? I know its tough but anyone flower plants these size and can tell me a comparable yield?? I was thinking of starting flower on the first of next month.. you think they will be ready? Should I fim the main top?? or is the LST enuff?


Well-Known Member
if you start flowering at a foot you might get an ounce or a lil more...and yes you can use like a table spoon per gallon every water...but not till your just using water at the last two weeks...


Well-Known Member
wow thats a lot of cfls...did you start flowering then?o and i found carbo load and super thrive are excellent in uping your yields....