3 weeks into flower. Should I worry?


Well-Known Member
So I'm 3 weeks into flower and my one CK has filled up a 4' x 4' and is just a behemoth at this point. I made the mistake of nute burning her tho about a week ago >.<

I know its pretty common for the lower leaves to yellow and fall off especially if they're not getting light and its pretty damn bushy so I'm not really worrying much about a leaf here or there BUT all the leaves on the lowest branch of my plant all seem to be yellowing/turning pale, its all new growth too no fan leaves just baby leaves, multiple small leaf sites. It seems to be yellowing up the branch to the tip/bud site. Keep in my mind that its branched a lot and this is the lowest one closest to the ground and not expecting much bud from this branch. Should I be worried about this?

Does it mean that its just redirecting energy from making new useless bottom leaves to producing bud at their main sites? Sorry theres no pictures the HPS just turned on...


Active Member
flush it fast bro... run 2x the volume of the container tru it of balanced ph water... high price bottled will do but not cold


Well-Known Member
So I'm 3 weeks into flower and my one CK has filled up a 4' x 4' and is just a behemoth at this point. I made the mistake of nute burning her tho about a week ago >.<

I know its pretty common for the lower leaves to yellow and fall off especially if they're not getting light and its pretty damn bushy so I'm not really worrying much about a leaf here or there BUT all the leaves on the lowest branch of my plant all seem to be yellowing/turning pale, its all new growth too no fan leaves just baby leaves, multiple small leaf sites. It seems to be yellowing up the branch to the tip/bud site. Keep in my mind that its branched a lot and this is the lowest one closest to the ground and not expecting much bud from this branch. Should I be worried about this?

Does it mean that its just redirecting energy from making new useless bottom leaves to producing bud at their main sites? Sorry theres no pictures the HPS just turned on...
A picture is worth a 1000 words, no pic =guess
pic and what kind of nutes and how often.....
also...you can bring a lamp in and turn your lights off for a minute to take a pic, it wont kill them