3 Weeks into Flowering. Problem or Natural?


Well-Known Member
did you happen to touch it? could be due to heat stress? see if you have even temp in the whole room


Well-Known Member
sounds like heat stress, take more pictures of your setup and post them this will help. what is the ph,ppm, & lighting schedule?


Well-Known Member
You're better off just comparing to the journals. People are fucking stingy here with information.

Kind of pathetic if you ask me.
I find the exact opposite to be true! This site is great with many many helpful, and compassionate fellow growers. Some just have bad luck, bad timing, or just ask bad questions. Sorry beauser, but dont give up!
After 3 weeks 12/12 your hairs should not be turning brown already. It IS likely from heat, but...More info is required to help you.


Active Member
what kind of lights and how far are they away from the plant?
I am using 6 CFL's around 250 total watts.
They are about 4 to 6 inches away from the top colas. The temp in the room is usually between 80-85 degrees. Sometimes it spikes to 90+ but i catch it before it gets any hotter. It happen once this week, around Wednesday.
I water them once a week, if needed i water them when they are dry. I am using a Black Strap Molasses water mix as of right now.Ive only been giving them a liter of it per plant. The ph is around 6.6 6.8ph. The humidity is around 40-50. sometimes lower.

Remember, the top colas are perfect, the picture i have provided at the top, are of the lower buds, they are like a foot or more away from the lights. It was strange to me.


Well-Known Member
temperature is too high it needs to ge no higher than 85 and optimal grow temp is 70-78, also ph is too high it needs to be 5.8-6.6, what is your ppm?


Well-Known Member
Ok well, if its just the bottom nuggs its probably not heat then( at least not from the lights). Make sure you are taking temp readings from different locations all the time. It might be perfectly normal, all strains are different. Keep an eye on her. A pic of the whole plant would be nice to see too. :)
Be careful with the molasses! Ideally you want to add molasses to the water 1TBLS per gallon and oxygenate this mix for a couple days with a airstone. An excess of staight up carbohydrates from something like molasses can interfere with nitrogen uptake.
by Ohsogreen-
"First use only unsulphured molasses, like Briar Rabbit or Grandma's Molasses (brands). Mix one ounce to one gallon of chlorine free water. If you only have tap water, let it set for two days & 99% of the chlorine will evaporate. Then you can add the molasses.
You can bubble (oxygenate) it using a cheap aquarium pump & air stone for at least one day. Or just pour it from one clean container (jug or bucket) to another a couple of times a day, for at least two days.
This provides extra oxygen to the good micro-beaties, they then eat, mutiply, & kill off - the not so nice micro-beaties. The longer you oygenate this mix, the more good guys you end up with. Their eating & pooping out the NPK (bioconversion) is what make it highly soluble. Over time their bioconversion reduces the N and pumps up the P & K slightly. Not a big shift, just a point or two.
This makes a good growth stage fertilizer (that's cheap).
Just mix it light the first time & water in lightly - like one quart per plant.
Start low & build slow. This prevents overfertilizing.
Use this mix one week & plain water the next.
You can add nutes to the mix, but remember your adding to a mix with a NPK of about 5-1-3 already."


Active Member
Well the temp is due to the ambient temps. since im using a closet i do not have a fan to vent out the heat, but the closet temp stay around 80,i rarely see it go any higher. it goes down as the day ends, down to 70.


Well-Known Member
my plant is also in a closet i had to cut holes in the wall for intake and exaust. i just read if the leaves turn up it is because they are looking for water, turning down means overwatering and over fertilized


Well-Known Member
my plant is also in a closet i had to cut holes in the wall for intake and exaust. i just read if the leaves turn up it is because they are looking for water, turning down means overwatering and over fertilized

The leaves turn UP because temps are too high, and the leaves are trying to maintain the moisture in the leaves by unexposing as much surface area to the light, which otherwise, would evaporate more moisture outta the leaves.

Leaves droop (if growing soil) from OVERWATERING.