30 days flowering, buds smell bad...


Active Member
Hi Guys, Just wondering if anyone can provide any advice on this little dilemma that just popped up tonight.

Yesterday I fed the girls 1 gallon each of 1 day old nutrient mix. GO Box full strength. It was probably their heaviest nutrient mix so far. I always hold back on something a little but this time I went even maybe a 10% over the normal feeding schedule. And I did the heavy recommendation for the bloom booster. I'm in Happy frog also btw and I have to water about every other day because of constant ventilation.

I was planning on feeding them the day prior but they still had a bit of moisture so I waited another day, until yesterday, and watered them. The nut's were mixed Friday night and it sat for about 24 hours. Shook and watered. The mix didn't smell any more rank than normal, and that time it was stored in about 65f. Today the buds kind of smell like the nutrients I fed them, which isn't really a great smell. If I squeeze a bud gently, my finger will smell like a mix of the nutrients, and a fresh plant. But overall the buds smell kind of shitty.

Is that normal? Perhaps it's normal with General Organic nutrients, but I've never smelled it so badly before. I've never fed them 1 gallon each, though, either. They were very hungry.

Should I or can I do anything if it is not normal?? I usually only do nut's every other watering so next time they get just water and CalMag. Like I said they smell kind of nasty so I checked all over and I don't see any sign of anything rotting; All looks normal (outstanding actually). RH is about 30% lights on and 40% off. Oscillating fan at the canopy and fresh air about once per minute. I also just added a lower fan to disrupt the lower air as I'm a small enclosed cabinet. Temps are about 75-77 at canopy which is 10-12" under a 400wHPS. Leaf temp at canopy is about 75f. I have a small convection heater in there set to 75f for lights off.

I'm hoping it's normal, it's kind of got me bummed.


mikey moe

Dude it sounds like u May have used too much nutes, if I was u i would only use water for a couple feedings or maybe a light flush, I dont know for sure cause km linda new at this as well, good luck


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys. I guess there's not much I can do. Next time I'll flush with just water +CaMg. Hopefully it clears up I'm sure it will lots of budding left to do. I'll also use freshly mixed nutrients next time and see if I still get the same thing; Try to narrow down the cause.


Active Member
they were dry yesterday still smelled about the same, little less funky and more plant like. I watered with just water tonight we will see. Thanks for the replies.