30 days into flowering, no crystals?!


Active Member
So, im 30 days into flowering and i see no crystals yet, should i worrie? Otherwise the plants look green and healthy with preflowers.

Why doesnt they fatten up already like i see others do at 30 days? :sad:


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume your plant is a sativa dominant, meaning it will be flowering for roughly 70-90 days. Hang in there.

Pictures? Indoor/outdoor? Strain? Hydro/Soil?


Active Member
Indoor, big bud strain in soil. i'll put up pictures later tonight when the lights comes back on (in 10 hours from now).


Well-Known Member
what nutes are you using ? im on day 34 of flowering with cfls with some funky bagseed and i have cyrstals all over the calyxes and flowers

whats your temps and humidity ?

When you get some pics up i might be able to help some more

Keep em green man


Active Member
Bio bizz organic soil and nutrients, following their chart. Temps are between 73F and 84F. Humidity 30-40. Pictures comming in 4-5 hours...


Well-Known Member
I had a strain that didn't get frosty until day 40ish. I had another strain that never really got full on "frosty" but was still a good smoke.

It's a plant...they all act differently.


Active Member
Updating with some fresh pictures... 20110113_001.jpg 20110113_002.jpg 20110113_005.jpg 20110113_007.jpg 20110113_008.jpg 20110113_004.jpg

So, day 30 flowering actually today. Shouldn´t they be thicker than they are by now?


Well-Known Member
they look very sativa to me,which will explain why it seems to be taking so long.you just have to be more patient with sativas.dont worry things will improve.your plant looks in good health.


Well-Known Member
they should be fatter than that even if they are sativa ...im flowering sativas on day 35 with CFLS and this is what my plants looked like back at two weeks into flowering ...

my guess is that you might have lockout
what is your ph of the water you are giving them ?
and what is the ph of your run off ?


Well-Known Member
they should be fatter than that even if they are sativa
For sure.

There's been other people here in the past who have complained about the Big Bud strain. You probably have to dig pretty deep to find a worthwhile pheno. Did you buy it from marijuana-seeds.nl ?


Active Member
My pure sativa is 25.6 days into flowering and its just starting to get a few trichs here and there. Sativas take a lot longer to mature


they look in good health maybe too skinny but my opion they all are very sativa s plant ,which is better for me chill man


Active Member
@ kushXOJ im watering with a ph between 6.6 and 7.0. dont know the runoff ph but ill check it at the next watering this weekend and let you know in this thread.

@ punk cant remember what site i ordered from.. they were cheaper than normally tho..