30+ Hydro Setup


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

After a pretty successful last year+ I've decided to step it up a notch. I have a new spot with 2 rooms free. I want to maximize use of both rooms, if I have to knock a wall down or whatever I'm down. I'm thinking that I want to use the 10x12x8' room for bloom, and I'm thinking 9-1k HPS. In the smaller 8x10x8' room im thinking of converting the closet for seedlings and clones then use the rest of the room for VEG. Not sure what lamps I want to use in there yet, not really my main focus of this post. I'm not concerned about heat so much as coverage, I've gone through everything imaginable as far as heat goes so I'm prepared for anything.

My concern is will 9 1ks be enough to cover 30-35 plants. Keep in mind I'll be running hydro,probably rdwc. and I am a root fucking master! so they will all be some beastie bitches. Will the 10x12x8' room be able to handle it??

Also has anyone ever done a hydro set up where they can drain their rez from underneath, for example if you had a basement below the op. I definitely am not going to be lugging 35 5gl buckets or even 3gal buckets back and forth a couple times a week or more. So i'm wondering if theres a good/fast way to drain below, then I can fill up top through my RO system. Glad to be back, and I hope you all are doing well in your own grows!

Thanks Fam