$300 budget, which hydro system?


Active Member
Whats my best bet for a complete hydro system for around $300, including the light.
I'm only 19 so im not really smart enough to build my own, thats what most people advise to do. But if you think its simple enough for anyone to do throw some ideas out there help me out!

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Whats my best bet for a complete hydro system for around $300, including the light.
I'm only 19 so im not really smart enough to build my own, thats what most people advise to do. But if you think its simple enough for anyone to do throw some ideas out there help me out!

Thanks in advance.
400 HPS from htgsupply.com=130
Rest on a DWC system with a small cooler.


Well-Known Member
being 19 doesn't mean that you cant build a hydro setup by yourself, i'm only 21 and i did it and i could have done it at the age of 14 if i had had the place to do it, you should go with a simple DWC, but as i am comeing to relize is that they are problemattic, so you could go dutch, which is about the same price range, although a little more complicated is less problematic. GL -Cult


Well-Known Member
there are plenty of tutorials in the DIY section of the FAQ that will walk you step by step putting together just about any type of system. if you want to go extra cheap, just grow in dirt. that way you can cut your teeth so to speak while still getting good lights and ventilation for your grow op.


Well-Known Member
DWC is cool but one things for sure, if you want to grow from seed in dwc and actually reap the benefit of it, then you really must do different pots for different plants, putting 10 seeds in a dwc system just ain't gonna be good. Better to set them up individually.


Well-Known Member
300 bucks though, you could do much more with that than you think. I'd be happy to chat with you and talk about the various options. :joint:

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
Spend the money on a good light(600W hps), and ventilation, odor control.

Buy some 9qt trashcans from walmart....get some perlite and coco chips, or vermiculite if you can't find the coco...and make hempy buckets. Passive hydro without all the work and maintenance involved with regular hydro setups, with just as good results.

If this site doesn't have info on Hempys....then either google it yourself...or I can post up the info for all to share.



Well-Known Member
im not sure if this is your first attempt at growing or not..but I would personally recommend to start in soil if it is(also recommended by many others).. soil is much more forgiving, and still gives great yields (regardless of what some people say).. after you do 2 or 3 soil grows and have personally dealt with different issues, you will be much more prepared for hydroponics, instead of jumping right into it.. youll learn a ton over that time.. it will also allow you to purchase proper lights, reflection, ventilation, nutes(assuming you dont already have them), ph meters, timers, and other things youll need along the way..

There is one package from htgsupply.com that offers a TON of stuff

High Tech Garden Supply this is $350, however it doesnt include fans or ph meter


Active Member
Thanks for all the feedback everyone.
But what im spending on the system doesnt include the light.

The $300 is for the complete hydro system itself ready to go.
Im getting 400 or 600hps.

Can someone give me a link to putting together a hydroponics kit that will fit in a 4x4 area?


Active Member
i dont know a link but simple math will do. build one to suit your needs and save alot of money in the process. i used 4 gallon garbage cans once for my hydro system with a rubbermaid for my res. it cost about $25 pump included and i grew the stickiest of the icky too. hope this helps outofcontrol just be creative dude.