31k flowering watts + Veg room Pics...A MESS! Need advice...be kind.


Rebel From The North
I run the system he talks about. I picked it up local at my local Hydro Shop. The system has treated me really well in my first two pulls. It uses 8 (7.8 gallon) black buckets, with 10" baskets, they have a 9" Halo ring. It also has a 18 gallon tote as the resy. The water is recirculated with a 1200gph pump that has a venturl built into it. It is the first system I know of that runs 2" vinyl black tube. The drip rings are fed with a 350gph venturi pump. The system isn't deep water, it runs on 30 gallons of water in the whole system. I didn't get any root rot and I think it helps that it is top fed. I don't think they even have them listed yet. You can call the guy and ask him about it, he loves to chat about Hydro and seems to really know it. He is really knows his shit when it comes to this stuff, he converted me from dirt. I'll try and get some pics of it going. thehydrolife.com That is his site and check it out.
Hey theres not much in the way of how the pro grow works, do you know more places to resource this system on the net?


Well-Known Member
Im thinkin running my undercurrent again. What are people running as far as H2o2,zone...ect...
That are having the best luck avoiding root rot?

Is it ok to run 29%H2o2 and zone? I'm thinking of running half my garage with hoods and the titan flo and gro.
And the other half with virtical lighting and my 27 gallon tote undercurrent.
Is it better to run a Bennie tea. I know people have had luck with both. I guess my question is what seems to be the most used to avoid root rot?


Aeration is the key when using toughboxes running RDWC. The first time I tried it, I used those little cylinder shaped airstones and they just did not saturate the solution enough. I had root problems the whole crop and had to yank one due to rot. I talked to my friend who has been running an RDWC with 27 gal toughboxes in a perpetual grow for a year now. His solution temps are running in the low 70s with pristine white roots and he swears that it is because his aeration is so complete. He uses these round flat 8" airstones:

He uses one of these 110 liter per minute air pumps for every five 27 gal toughboxes:


You have to throw away the 1/4" manifold that comes with it and use 3/8" tubing instead. The 1/4 inch air tubing constricts airflow too much, much better performance with 3/8 which fits the nipples on the air pump and the airstones. He swears to me that this hyper aeration is why he does not have root problems. He is running 72 - 73 degrees solution with no root issues whatsoever. He does use H2O2.

I started using this method of aeration about a month ago and my root issues have healed, but I got a chiller just to be safe. I am running my system at 65 degrees. I insulated the tough boxes top and sides with that silver bubble wrap rolled up insulation from Home Depot. It works pretty good for very even solution temps system wide. The temperature in the tote furthest from my reservoir is about a half a degree warmer than the reservoir itself and my room is running in the high 80s. By all means, insulate.

My friend has 200 gallons total solution in this system, and changes out his reservoir every 10 days. He uses three measuring shot glasses of H2O2 every day. He has three rows of five plants with vertical 1000 w bulbs hanging between the plants. This room is always flowering. He harvests one row every 18 days. His turn over after harvest (Change out and clean system and put new vegged plants in) takes one hour, he has a very efficient setup going. He has a room with T5s and some CFLs for veg, using 5 gallon buckets with netpot lids. When it is time for them to go into the 27 gallon tough boxes, he merely lifts the netpot lids out and transfers them, roots and all, to the other room. The netpot lids fit perfectly into his flowering totes without damaging the root system. I am in the process of changing over similar to his system now. Next time Im at his house I'll take some pics of his system.


Well-Known Member
Thanks commercial. I'm learning because you're not doing a run of the mill setup. I remember you from years ago. Nice to see you've come back around.


Well-Known Member
Thanks commercial. I'm learning because you're not doing a run of the mill setup. I remember you from years ago. Nice to see you've come back around.
Ya thanks brownbusta. It's a minute.

So the update is, my land lord calls out of blue and needs to talk to me. I drove over to there house, and he told me, well we had a house fire the other night in an extra house on there property.
And then tells me, there was an illegal grow op in it so there "on the radar." And told me I better have my cards and numbers inline, because they signed some paper letting "them" examine there other rentals!!!!!!!! Don't I have rights as a renter?
Like i'm going to say sure come on in.
I wouldn't piss on fire to put those assholes out.

Stick the warrent up the window or im not talking.
Try to get me with a fucking "knock and talk" or a "tap and rap."

Alright i'm done ranting....(decompressing)

I cant fuckin believe this shit. I went to work putting the place back in line......but i have a 3 bedroom double car garage house. Every room but one is loaded the veg room 2 k and the other is 8k then the garage.
So in the end......I dont know if its the universe trying to tell me something. Like "Chill the fuck down."

So out of lack of another option....Im in my garage and no where else. 29'x18'

I'm a number smasher......but its seems the titans or the DWC and larger trees it has to be.

I gotta a bunch of ballast and can get more down hangers and maybe I could continue or start a thread worth reading/seeing.

I done know if I should change this thread or keep going.

Will see....im going to start work in the garage today.




Well-Known Member
Ok, so I started building the garage sectioning off a 9ftx7ft veg area. I will update pics tomorrow. I'm thinking a 24 site DWC with my 27 gallon tough totes. Or 12 plants in a titan's flo and gro and 12 in the DWRC. I will figure it out in a day. And update with pics. I will run at least 24-32 flowering watts. I Had a nice 14 inch air duct manifold made with 4 8'' saddles. Pulling the air with a 14'' elleciant fan, and pushing with 1 or 2 can max 10'' fans. Working on five tons of A/C.

Anybody like the brand "Ideal Airs" Mini split, with the snap on fittings. I was thinking about there 3 ton.




Well-Known Member
Should I start a new thread, because of the fact that i'm completing changing this grow. Or keep it going?



Well-Known Member
Maybe I ranted a little too hard the other day. Just wanted to know if its better for me to start a new thread since my whole grow is changing. Because im seriously dropping my number of sites and will probably be running RDWD or DWC of some sort.


full of purple

Well-Known Member
Ya thanks brownbusta. It's a minute.

So the update is, my land lord calls out of blue and needs to talk to me. I drove over to there house, and he told me, well we had a house fire the other night in an extra house on there property.
And then tells me, there was an illegal grow op in it so there "on the radar." And told me I better have my cards and numbers inline, because they signed some paper letting "them" examine there other rentals!!!!!!!! Don't I have rights as a renter?
Like i'm going to say sure come on in.
I wouldn't piss on fire to put those assholes out.

Stick the warrent up the window or im not talking.
Try to get me with a fucking "knock and talk" or a "tap and rap."

Alright i'm done ranting....(decompressing)

I cant fuckin believe this shit. I went to work putting the place back in line......but i have a 3 bedroom double car garage house. Every room but one is loaded the veg room 2 k and the other is 8k then the garage.
So in the end......I dont know if its the universe trying to tell me something. Like "Chill the fuck down."

So out of lack of another option....Im in my garage and no where else. 29'x18'

I'm a number smasher......but its seems the titans or the DWC and larger trees it has to be.

I gotta a bunch of ballast and can get more down hangers and maybe I could continue or start a thread worth reading/seeing.

I done know if I should change this thread or keep going.

Will see....im going to start work in the garage today.


God damn. Yea man just be cool i dont know about that one.

Only thing im thinking is how did they know you had numbers? Is there alot of noise if your outside your house at all?

Just be cool bro if anything i would stop the operation for a few months or move the location.Honestly sounds like the landlords
kniw that somthing is going on to me?


Active Member
Im thinkin running my undercurrent again. What are people running as far as H2o2,zone...ect...
That are having the best luck avoiding root rot?

Is it ok to run 29%H2o2 and zone? I'm thinking of running half my garage with hoods and the titan flo and gro.
And the other half with virtical lighting and my 27 gallon tote undercurrent.
Is it better to run a Bennie tea. I know people have had luck with both. I guess my question is what seems to be the most used to avoid root rot?


Hey bud, search Heisenberg tea. I too quit running undercurrent systems because of the constant root rot issues. After reading some of the success stories with Heisenberg tea...might set one up again. Growth is incredible...would certainly like to get it lined out.


Well-Known Member
Ok sounds good. So today will install a 14''x14'' filtered vent to the outside with a 10'' duct inside from there I will pull from the outside with a can max 10'' there like 1060cfm compared to other 10'' inlines I have used they flow way more CFM.
From the 10'' fan, I will go to a 10''-8'-8' Y, then to go to two 8-8-8 inch.. (aka. "granny panties.") From there the four 8'' ducting will drop into the room go through 4 rows of lights connecting The 14'' air manifold I just had made that measures 16ft long 14'' round with four 8'' sadles on them, being pulled by a 14'' fan and have it duct into my attic that I keep ionized before it vents to atmosphere. I'm thinking 5 8'' air vented hoods per row, with 2 to 3 down hangers between each row. Then build the veg room. Pics to come.

Any ideas should I skip the ten and use four 8'' inlines per row? Yes this would be more air, but in my experience. I always try to move alot of controlled air, almost like its pressurized in the hoods, but moving through at a nice fast air transfer rate.

Screw it I will take pics of the construction also.

Anyone that has ideas please let me know. I always try to keep a open mind.... I mean who knows, you could learn from a baby right?




Well-Known Member
Hope your grow is going good by now dude. Garage is what you had way back when and you killed in that space, right?