36 Days into it White Widow 250 HPS Do they look right?


36 days from germination, do they look right I have been feeding nutes but I think I started a little early I think my PH is off and Im goona see about geting something to fix it! here are some pics, If the PH is wrong and I have watered do I just flush with say RO then PH the nutes and re water?



Misguided Angel
They look a little small for 36 days in... How often are you watering? Only water when the soil is dry, get a mositure meter or you can stick your finger down a couple of inches and if it is dry water it. Over watering is a sure fire way to stunt your plants growth. Do you have adequate ventilation to get rid of the stale air? This also makes a big difference. My first grow I had no intake or exhaust and my plants suffered for it. They love fresh air! It is a good idea to check your soil PH often especially if you are having problems. Good Luck!


I was thinking the same thing I checked the soil run off after flushing and mixed with some soil and the meter showed 6.7 but not sure if that right I need to get a better ph checker!!


Ok got a better PH checker and changed the soil out and put in bigger pots!! I PH the nutes at 6.4 and the run off is about the same!! Could the PH being 6.7-6.8 be the problem I am having with them being so small???


Well-Known Member
hey man, what light schedule have you been running? has it been consistant? and how often do you water, and whats the temp of the area u have it in? if its just in a open room rather than a closet where the temp builds up it may be kind of cold w/ a mix of over watering. if its not relatively warm the soil can stay moist for a week or so. do the finger test. stick it down 2 inches and if its stickin to ur finger it can go a day. imo it doesnt seem to be a ph problem or overfert/ underfert problem because theres normally burns, yellowing or other signs. check that the lighting is about a foot or so away fromt the plants to absorb all that 250 watts (check w/ hand to make sure it wont burn it/ you), maybe get some mylar reflective too to absorb all that 250 low light can stunt growth.

check into all that, all i can say. oh and the one on the rights lookin good, jsut the twisted droopy leaves on the left catch my eye


Well-Known Member
Your plants shouldn't need any nutrients yet. Flush them out and don't worry too much about nutes for another week or two. Usually whatever is naturally in the soil is enough for them for a few weeks. And they do look a little small too for 36 days.


They are on 18/6 and yes constant on a timer! And I think over watering might be a factor, also the temp stays between 70-80 not really getting to 80 though there is a hepa/charcoal filter blowing on them making them wiggle a bit! And it in a closet that is just barley open on both sides! Also as for the height I raised them a bit and they heat coming down on the plants is minimal!!


what could be the cause of so small? and the nutes I have been feeding are 1/4 strength? Just switch over to PH RO water? Could the PH being high have any effect?

Cheech Bong

These WW sprouted on Feb 1st and I transplanted them into 2.5 gallon pots on Feb 11th. These have a total of 33 days of growth. The first two weeks they were in my seedling tent and then for the rest of the time they have been in my 3x3x7 tent. I AM USING A 400W light I know you are only using a 250W.

I just wanted to show you these so you could gage your progress....

I hope this helps and if you have any questions let me know, good luck man.



Well-Known Member
alot of new growers wanna give there plant everything they desire so its super awesome so the tend to over water. basically drowning the roots which need oxygen. did u make sure u let the soil dry out pretty good b4 watering? cuz if not u could have fallen into that common gap. also use distilled h20