36 Hrs dark before switching to 12/12


Active Member
If you are emulating nature, tell me where you live that you get 18hrs light and 6hrs dark? Where is your logic behind that?
You would have to check the light dependin on your closeness to the equator. There is almost certainly a place that has that lighting schedule at some point in the year. In fact, I would check this link. It says USA but you can find one for anywhere. We used them in the Navy. I was the guy who had to write them down everyday because it coincides with the tide. Light changes minute to minute everyday.

There is no need to do the dark period like that. I haven't seen it mess up a grow personally, it's just not necessary. You can do it slowly or you can just flip them when they show pistils (that means the flower is telling you it's mature enough to flower).

According to Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Grower's book, light can be switched to 14hours on light and the plants will flower fine. You can add a specific blue light in the night so they will still grow but it won't mess with the dark period.

I guess what I am trying to say, as I do with most new to growing, read and take it slowly. Your system and variables will be different than just about everyone. I haven't seen 1 grow that is the same anywhere. I have been in several grow houses with hundreds of plants growing, in fact my friend is harvesting one of his crops tonight.

Take the basics and when you learn to carry the envelope, then you can run with it and create your own thing.


Well-Known Member
I never understood why someone would do this, are you Seriously trying to save a couple days when your still going to have to wait 55-75 anyway. Sometimes Patience Is A Virtue.
I think the 36 hour dark period works.

I did the 36 hr dark with some plants. Then did some that went in a week later straight into 12/12. The ones that had the 36 hr darkness prior to 12/12, put out hairs within a few days. The other set are just barely starting to produce hairs and its been over a week.

The plants were all the same age and genes, fed the same amount and under the same conditions

Im a believer, but like you said its only goin to be a few days difference